magistrsko delo
Samo Virtič (Author), Arne Mavčič (Mentor)


Evropa, ki je iznašla socialno varnost, ima danes težave z definiranjem svojega novega socialnega modela. Poleg tega so socialni sistemi danes obremenjeni z brezposelnostjo, predvsem mladih, medtem, ko se prebivalstvo stara in rodnost zmanjšuje. Pomanjkanje sredstev za zagotavljanje uravnotežene socialne politike poglablja ekonomske in socialne razlike. Država mora v skladu s svojimi zmožnostmi zagotavljati ustrezen življenjski standard, v katerem bo imela materialna neenakost stransko vlogo. Pomembno je, da se z vsemi aktivnostmi države in njenih institucij ohranja socialna država, na kateri je Evropa gradila zadnjih sto let. Treba je zagotoviti vzdržen razvoj, ki temelji na socialni pravičnosti. V obdobju velikih političnih, ekonomskih in socialnih sprememb so spori neizogibni. Pomembno je zagotoviti, da se sprti strani sporazumeta tako, da bosta lahko dalje sobivali. To je naloga evropskih institucij na področju promocije in zaščite ekonomskih in socialnih pravic.


ekonomske pravice;socialne pravice;socialna varnost;Evropska socialna listina;državna blaginja;Odbor za socialne pravice;kolektivne pritožbe;aktivna vloga države;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: FDŠ
Publisher: [S. Virtič]
UDC: 061.1EU:342.7(043.2)
COBISS: 1024684657 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3596
Downloads: 197
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Europe, the inventor of social security, is facing difficulties defining its new social model. Besides that social systems are troubled my unemployment on one hand, especially among young people, while on the other hand people are aging, and the birth rate is decreasing. The economic and social differences are deepening through the lack of necessary founds to ensure a balanced social policy. Within its capabilities, the State has an obligation to ensure appropriate living standards, so that the material inequality is no object. It is important, that States and their institutions maintain activities to preserve the Social State, which was developed in Europe for the last 100 years. It is necessary to ensure sustainable development, based on social justice. In the period of immense political, economic and social changes, conflicts are inevitable. Yet, it is important to ensure that argued parties reach an understanding that enables them a peaceful coexistence. And that is the duty of the European institutions in the field of promotion and protection and protection of economic and social rights.
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Fak. za državne in evropske študije
Pages: V, 120 str.
ID: 10865520