diskurzivna konstrukcija osmega marca v slovenskih tiskanih medijih
Magistrsko delo se ukvarja z reprezentacijo 8. marca, mednarodnega dneva žena, v slovenskem medijskem diskurzu v povezavi z vlogo in položajem ženske od leta 1945 do danes. Z metodo kritične diskurzivne analize so bili obravnavani prispevki, ki so bili od konca 2. svetovne vojne do leta 2017 objavljeni v časopisih Delo in Večer, v reviji Naša žena in v revijalni prilogi Ona. Gre za časopisa in reviji, ki so imeli med obravnavanimi leti največji doseg bralcev, in s tem posredno največji vpliv na oblikovanje javnomnenjske podobe o osmem marcu in percepcijo žensk v družbi. V ospredje analize je postavljen vpliv družbenoekonomskega sistema na diskurz o ženskah in o osmem marcu, pri čimer ugotavljamo, da je bil osmi marec od konca 2. svetovne vojne pa vse do sedemdesetih let 20. stoletja obravnavan kot praznik delavskih žensk in kot tak povezan z idejo socialističnega feminizma, da je boj žensk za enakopravnost boj za enakopravnost celotnega delavskega razreda. Od sedemdesetih let naprej je opazno izrazito zmanjšanje števila prispevkov o osmem marcu, popolno premišljanje prvotne ideje o pomenu osmega marca pa je v prispevkih opazno zlasti od devetdesetih let naprej, ko se prične kazati komercializacija praznika. Predrugačenje pomena 8. marca je v skladu s kapitalistično težnjo po repatriarhalizaciji in redomestifikaciji žensk. Tako v izbranih prispevkih spremljamo desetletja sprememb in različnih pojmovanj pomena mednarodnega dneva žena - od orodja za spodbudo in širjenje emancipacijskih idej socialistične družbe do njegovega izrabljanja za namene potrošnje in utrjevanja neenakosti in izkoriščevalskih praks kapitalističnega sistema.
magistrska dela;mednarodni dan žena;konstrukti spola;socialistični feminizem;liberalni feminizem;socializem;kapitalizem;kritična diskurzivna analiza;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2017 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FF - Faculty of Arts |
Publisher: |
[M. Ferlinc] |
UDC: |
811.163.6'27:141.72:070(043.2) |
Views: |
907 |
Downloads: |
136 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
"Bread and roses" |
Secondary abstract: |
The Master's thesis discusses the importance of International Women's Day with an emphasis on the role and position of women, ranging from 1945 to today. The critical discourse analysis served to examine articles published in the Delo and Večer daily newspapers, the Naša žena (Our Woman) magazine and the Ona (She) magazine supplement from the end of World War II until 2017. These particular publications were selected on the grounds of their greatest local reach during the discussed period and, as a result, their greatest indirect influence on the formation of the public perception of 8th March and the role and position of women in society on the local level. The main focus of the analysis was the influence of the socio-economic system on the discourse on women and 8th March, whereby it was found that, from the end of World War II until the 1970s, 8th March was seen as a day celebrating working women and was thus associated with the idea of socialist feminism which equalled the fight of women for equality with the fight for equality of the entire proletariat. Since the 1970s to the present day, a drastic reduction in the number of articles on 8th March was observed. During and following the transitional period (i.e. since the 1990s), the complete abandonment of the original idea of the importance of 8th March was observed, transforming the International Women's Day into a consumption holiday in line with the capitalistic tendency to re-domesticate women and re-submit them to the patriarchal system. As a result, selected articles served to monitor several decades of changes and diverse definitions of the importance of International Women's Day - from a tool to promote and spread emancipation ideas of a socialist society to a means of exploitation for consumption purposes and to reinforce the inequality and exploitative practices of the capitalist system. |
Secondary keywords: |
master theses;International Women's Day;gender;socialist feminism;liberal feminism;socialism;capitalism;critical discourse analysis; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak.,Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnosti |
Pages: |
II, 78 f. |
ID: |
10865528 |