magistrsko delo
Anja Luštek (Author), Jože Rugelj (Mentor), Irena Nančovska Šerbec (Co-mentor)


Zmožnost dojemanja in učenja je na najvišji ravni v prvih fazah življenja. Takrat smo najdojemljivejši za učenje novih stvari. Ravno zato stremimo k zgodnjemu poučevanju na različnih področjih, med drugim tudi na področju računalništva. Osrednja tema magistrskega dela je zgodnje poučevanje računalništva z uporabo metode upravljanja objektov v ravnini. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela se bomo osredotočili na teorije o učenju, na katerih temelji sodobno poučevanje računalništva. Izpostavili bomo Piagetovo teorijo, ki predpostavlja aktivno udeležbo posameznika v procesu učenja. Osredotočili se bomo tudi na neopiagetovo teorijo kognitivnega razvoja. Opisali bomo pomen te teorije pri zgodnjem poučevanju računalništva. V nadaljevanju bomo predstavili veščino računalniškega razmišljanja in koncepte, ki jih ta veščina obsega. Predstavili bomo tudi pomembnost zgodnjega poučevanja računalništva, ki ima namreč pomembno vlogo na vseh predmetnih področjih, saj s problemskim pristopom prispeva k razvoju znanj in veščin 21. stoletja. V empiričnem delu bomo uporabili aktivnosti na karirastem papirju, ki so nastale v okviru diplomskega dela. Karirast papir predstavlja ravnino, po kateri učenci navidezno premikajo objekte od začetka do cilja. Učenci objekte upravljajo s podanimi ukazi. Na podlagi povratnih informacij, dobljenih v sklopu diplomskega dela, smo naredili didaktične spremembe, ki bodo omogočale še večjo učinkovitost izdelanih aktivnosti. Aktivnosti bodo učitelji lahko uporabili pri poučevanju predmeta računalništvo, saj na tem področju primanjkuje primernih gradiv, preko katerih učenci usvajajo zastavljene učne cilje. Učni cilji, ki smo jih izpostavili znotraj magistrskega dela: Učenec zna slediti zaporedju ukazov, Učenec zna dopolniti zaporedje ukazov in Učenec zna poiskati napako v zaporedju ukazov in jo popraviti. Prenovljene naloge bomo preizkusili pri učencih druge triade osnovne šole. Po izvajanju aktivnosti bomo evalvirali odziv učencev. S tem želimo ugotoviti, kako se učenci lotijo reševanja pripravljenih aktivnosti in kateri pristop privede do uspešnih rezultatov. Prav tako želimo ugotoviti, kako naloge pomagajo pri razvijanju računalniškega razmišljanja: ali učenci preko nalog usvojijo natančno izvajanje ukazov, izboljšajo abstrakcijo in orientacijo ter ali lahko prenesejo pridobljeno znanje na nove problemske situacije. Pri raziskovanju bomo uporabili različne kvalitativne in kvantitativne metode.


računalniško razmišljanje;problemsko učenje;aktivnosti na karirastem papirju;neopiagetova teorija kognitivnega razvoja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Luštek]
UDC: 004(043.2)
COBISS: 11729225 Link will open in a new window
Views: 720
Downloads: 186
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Early teaching computer science by object manipulation in 2D
Secondary abstract: The ability to learn is at the highest level in the early stages of life. At that time, we are most suited to learning new things. That's why we are striving for early teaching in different subject areas, including in computer science. The main topic of the master's thesis is the early teaching computer science by object manipulation in 2D. The theoretical part of the master's thesis will focus on learning theories which describe modern teaching of computer science. We will highlight Piaget’s theory, which presupposes active participation in the process of teaching. We will focus on neo-Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. We will describe the importance of this theory in the early phase of teaching computer science. Then we will present computational thinking and concepts of computational thinking. We will also present the importance of the early teaching of computer science, which plays an important role in all subject areas, since it contributes to the development of 21st century knowledge and skills. In the empirical part we will use activities on checkered paper that arose in the context of the thesis. Checkered paper represents the grid by which pupils move objects from start to finish. The pupils manage objects with commands. Based on the feedback obtained as part of the previous work, we have made didactic changes that will allow even greater efficiency of activities. Teachers can use activities at Computer Science course, because in this area there is a lack of appropriate materials through which pupils acquire the set of learning outcomes. Learning outcomes that we have highlighted within the master's thesis: Pupil can follow the sequence of commands, Pupil can complete the sequence of commands and Pupil can find an error in the sequence of commands and fix it. We will use the renewed tasks with students of 2nd three-year cycle of primary school. In carrying out the activities we will evaluate the response of the students. We want to determine how students start solving prepared activities and which approach brings the successful results. We also want to determine how tasks help in the development of the computational thinking: do students acquire the exact implementation of commands, improve abstraction and orientation through tasks and can they use new knowledge in new problem situations. During the research we used a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods.
Secondary keywords: computer science;early learning;računalništvo;zgodnje učenje;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje, Predmetno poučevanje
Pages: V, 53 str., IX
ID: 10865636