diplomsko delo


V Sloveniji po podatkih Male flore Slovenije (Wraber, 2007) uspevajo štiri vrste rodu Diplotaxis, in sicer D. muralis, D. tenuifolia, D. erucoides in D. viminea. Njihovo razlikovanje je zahtevno, v določevalnem ključu pa ni dovolj zanesljivih določevalnih znakov. Iz literature, ki obravnava floro sosednjih držav, sem zbrala znake, po katerih omenjene vrste ločijo v tujini, in te znake preverila na herbarijskih polah herbarija LJU. V zbirki je bilo 48 herbarijskih pol. Ker je bil v nekaterih polah herbarijski material različnih vrst, sem imela na koncu 53 herbarijskih pol, od tega sta dve vsebovali primerke vrste D. erucoides, 25 D. muralis in 25 D. tenuifolia. Največ napačnih določitev je bilo pri vrstah D. muralis in D. tenuifolia. V herbarijski zbirki vrsta D. viminea ni zastopana. Na pregledanem materialu sem nekatere znake tudi izmerila, da sem ugotovila, ali nedvoumno razlikujejo med težje določljivima vrstama D. muralis in D. tenuifolia. Na podlagi rezultatov sem izdelala določevalni ključ, ki je primeren za ločevanje med vsemi štirimi vrstami dvoredcev. D. viminea se od ostalih vrst loči po velikosti cvetnih listov, ki so manjši kot pri ostalih vrstah, jalovih zunanjih prašnikih in neolistanem steblu. Vrsto D. erucoides zanesljivo ločimo po belkastih zadebelitvah na konicah listnih segmentov. Za ločevanje med vrstama D. muralis in D. tenuifolia so se kot zanesljivi znaki izkazali prisotnost oz. dolžina karpofora, ki je daljši pri vrsti D. tenuifolia; dolžini prašnic, ki so prav tako daljše pri vrsti D. tenuifolia ter dolžini venčnih in čašnih listov, ki so daljši pri D. tenuifolia. Na podlagi podatkov iz herbarijskih pol sem izdelala tudi zemljevid razširjenosti vrst na območju Slovenije. D. tenuifolia in D. muralis uspevata v večjem delu Slovenije. Vrsti nista prisotni na skrajnem severovzhodu in jugovzhodu države. Vrsta D. erucoides naj bi bila prisotna le na območju Ljubljane, podatek o prisotnosti vrste je star skoraj 100 let. Kasneje vrste niso več opazili. Za zanesljivejšo sliko razširjenosti bi potrebovali več podatkov o razširjenosti vrst.


dvoredec;revizija herbarija;določevalni ključ;zemljevid razširjenosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Fabijan]
UDC: 58(043.2)
COBISS: 11730249 Link will open in a new window
Views: 756
Downloads: 148
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Revision of the genus diplotaxis (Brassicaceae) in Slovenia
Secondary abstract: According to the data in Mala flora Slovenije (Wraber, 2007) four species of the genus Diplotaxis named D. muralis, D. tenuifolia, D. erucoides and D. viminea grow in Slovenia. The determination of the specimen is often difficult due to the lack of reliable determination characters. I have gathered the discriminative characters from floras and determination keys from neighbouring countries and checked them on the herbarium material from Herbarium LJU. I have examined 53 herbarium sheets, two of them were D. erucoides, 25 D. muralis and 25 D. tenuifolia. 9,5 % of plants, previously identified as D. muralis, were in fact D. tenuifolia, and 15 % of plants, previously identified as D. tenuifolia proved to be D. muralis. Both of D. erucoides sheets were correctly identified. D. viminea is not represented in the herbarium collection. I have measured 9 morphological characters in 50 plants of the herbarium material of D. muralis and D. tenuifolia. Based on the results, I have created an identification key, for the species that thrive in Slovenia. D. viminea is differentiated from other species by the size of the petals which are smaller compared to other species, by having sterile outer stamens, and by a leafless stem. D. erucoides can be reliably recognized by the whitish thickenings on the tips of the teeth of leaf margin. Reliable discriminative characters for D. muralis and D. tenuifolia are also: the presence or the length of the carpophore, which is longer on the species D. tenuifolia, the length of the anthers, which are longer on D. tenuifolia and the length of the petals and sepals, which are also longer on D. tenuifolia. Based on the data from the herbarium labels a distribution map of Diplotaxis species in Slovenia was made. D. tenuifolia and D. muralis grow in most parts of the country but there are no herbarium data for the north-easternmost and southeast part. D. erucoides was found in the area of the city of Ljubljana almost 100 years ago and was never observed afterwards. To get the representative distribution map of the species, additional field data should be collected.
Secondary keywords: botany;botanika;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Biologija in kemija
Pages: VII f., 42 str.
ID: 10865646