magistrsko delo
Tjaša Sovdat (Author), Alenka Gaberščik (Mentor)


V magistrski nalogi smo proučevali odbojne in presevne spektre med različnimi vzorci listov jelenovega jezika (Phyllitis scolopendrium). Spektre odbojnosti in presevnosti smo primerjali glede na svetlobni gradient in sezono, v kateri smo vzorce nabrali. Merili smo tudi vsebnost klorofilov, karotenoidov, antocianov in UV absorbirajočih snovi ter jih primerjali med vzorčnimi mesti in različnimi vzorčenji. Poleg tega smo proučevali tudi zgradbo listov in prešteli ter izmerili število listnih rež. Vzorce listov jelenovega jezika smo nabrali v bližini vhoda v Zelške jame v Rakovem Škocjanu, kjer smo izmerili tudi nekatere okoljske parametre. Delo je potekalo v laboratoriju na Katedri za ekologijo in varstvo okolja na Oddelku za biologijo Biotehniške fakultete. Ob vsakem vzorčenju smo nabrali 30 vzorcev – po deset na treh različnih rastiščih, na katerih smo opravili meritve odbojnosti in presevnosti v območju od 280 do 800 nm. Določili smo vsebnosti klorofilov, karotenoidov, antocianov in UV absorbirajočih snovi. Predvidevali smo, da se bodo lastnosti listov jelenovega jezika v sezoni spreminjale, optične lastnosti pa se bodo zaradi razlik v biokemijskih in morfoloških značilnostih glede na rastišče, na katerem smo vzorce nabrali, razlikovale. Ugotovili smo, da se spektri odbojnosti in presevnosti pri obeh vzorčenjih med seboj razlikujejo. V območju vidne svetlobe se odbija in preseva manj svetlobe, v NIR območju pa več. Ugotovili smo, da na odbojnost in presevnost vplivajo biokemijske in morfološke lastnosti listov. Ti rezultati se skladajo s številnimi drugimi raziskavami. Ugotavljali smo tudi razlike v biokemijskih in morfoloških lastnostih posameznih vzorcev in ugotovili, da se med seboj razlikujejo glede na čas vzorčenja in svetlobni gradient znotraj sezone. Izračunane korelacije med morfološkimi in biokemijskimi lastnostmi ter odbojnimi spektri listov so pokazale, da pri aprilskih vzorcih na treh različnih lokacijah na odbojne spektre najbolj vplivajo morfološke, pri junijskih vzorcih pa biokemijske lastnosti listov. Tudi ti rezultati se deloma skladajo z drugimi raziskavami. Izračunane korelacije med morfološkimi in biokemijskimi lastnostmi ter presevnimi spektri pri aprilskih in junijskih vzorcih so pokazale, da na presevne spektre najbolj vplivajo biokemijske lastnosti listov, kar se sklada z drugimi raziskavami.


jelenov jezik;odbojnost;presevnost;biokemijske lastnosti;morfološke lastnosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Sovdat]
UDC: 58(043.2)
COBISS: 11731017 Link will open in a new window
Views: 629
Downloads: 122
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Optical properties of phylitis scolopendrium leaves growing in different light conditions
Secondary abstract: In this master thesis we studied the differences in reflectance and transmittance spectra of leaves of deer tongue (Phyllitis scolopendrium) specimens from different locations. We compared reflectance and transmittance spectra of leaves grown along the radiation gradient two times in the season (April and June). The content of chlorophylls, carotenoids, anthocyanins and UV absorbing compounds was also measured. In addition, we also studied the anatomical properties of the leaves including the number of leaf stomata. The leaves of the deer tongue leaves were collected different locations in the vicinity of the entrance to the Zelše caves in Rakov Škocjan, where we also measured selected environmental parameters. The work was carried out in the laboratory at the Chair of Ecology and Environmental Protection at the Department of Biology of the Biotechnical Faculty. In each sampling thirty samples were collected - ten from each out of the three different locations. In laboratory we measured light reflectance and transmittance of leaves in the range of 280 to 800 nm and determined the content of chlorophylls, carotenoids, anthocyanins and UV absorbing substances. We hypothesised that the properties of the deer tongue leaves would change during to the season due to differences in biochemical and morphological characteristics which would also vary depending on the habitat and the season in which the samples were collected. We found out that reflectance and transmittance spectra of both samples differend among locations and in between samplings. In the visible region less light was reflected, while in the NIR range it was just the opposite. We showed that reflectance and transmittance spectra were affected by the biochemical and morphological characteristics of the leaves. The results are consistent with several other studies. We determined the differences in biochemical and morphological properties of samples that varied between samplings as well as among the locations on the light gradient in a particular sampling. The correlations calculated between the morphological and the biochemical characteristics and the reflectance spectra of the April samples collected at three different locations revealed that morphological characteristics exerted the greatest impact on the reflectance spectra of the leaves, whereas in the case of the June samples the strongest impact was that of the biochemical properties of leaves. These results are also partly consistent with other researches. The correlations calculated between the morphological and the biochemical characteristics and the transmittance spectra of the April and the June samples showed that the biochemical properties of the leaves exerted the greatest impact on the reflectance spectra of the leaves, which is consistent with other research.
Secondary keywords: botany;botanika;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Predmetno poučevanje
Pages: XI f., 69 str.
ID: 10865650