
Političnim spremembam v Sloveniji v devetdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja je sledila obsežna reforma šolstva, ki je vplivala tudi na umetniške predmete. Podobno so se na strokovnem nivoju v zadnjih tridesetih letih dogajale velike spremembe pri poučevanju umetnosti v svetu in Sloveniji z uveljavljanjem tako imenovanega postmodernega likovnega kurikula. Slovenski učni načrti za likovno umetnost se danes soočajo s podobnimi izzivi kot učni načrti drugih držav. S primerjavo slovenskega srednješolskega učnega načrta za predmet likovna umetnost z učnimi načrti sedmih evropskih držav (Estonije, Finske, Hrvaške, Irske, Latvije, Norveške in Španije) smo želeli osvetlili slovenski dokument v širšem kontekstu. Dokumente smo analizirali z različnih pogledov. Ugotovili smo, da obstajajo skupne lastnosti in razlike. Umestitev slovenskega predmeta v predmetnik srednje šole je podobna kot v tujini. V vseh primerjanih državah je likovna umetnost obvezni predmet, a z različnim številom ur. Slovenski dokument se od primerjanih razlikuje v strukturi, obravnavi likovnih področij, implementiranju vsebin sodobne umetnosti, večkulturnosti in trajnostni paradigmi. Ugotovili smo, da je slovenski učni načrt za predmet likovna umetnost v gimnazijskih programih sodoben v nekaterih segmentih in da bi lahko bil boljši v drugih.


likovna vzgoja;učni načrti;sodobna umetnost;večkulturnost;srednje šole;ne zaključna dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
UDC: 373.5.091.214:73/76(4)
COBISS: 21830152 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1855-4431
Parent publication: Revija za elementarno izobraževanje
Views: 1794
Downloads: 166
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Slovenian secondary school visual arts curriculum in comparison with similar European documents
Secondary abstract: Political changes in Slovenia in the early 1990s were followed by changes to the educational system. As regards the professional field, the last thirty years have seen major changes to teaching art all around the globe and also in Slovenia in the sense of the so-called postmodern visual arts curriculum. Slovenian art curricula are facing similar problems as the curricula in other countries. By comparing Slovenian art curricula for secondary school with those in seven different countries (Croatia, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Latvia, Norway, and Spain), we wished to shed light on the Slovenian curriculum in a broader context. The Slovenian curriculum and those of other countries have been scrutinised and juxtaposed from different viewpoints. It has been established that Slovenian course syllabi have individual characteristics in common with the countries compared. The placement of art education into the timetable is similar to that in other countries. In Slovenia and in all the other countries, art education is a compulsory subject but with a different amount of taught time. The documents show differences as regards their structure, the terminology in the classification of the fields of visual arts, the implementation of contemporary content, multiculturalism, and sustainability. The comparison has shown that the Slovenian national curriculum for gimnazija has a modern design in specific segments, while it could be better in others.
Secondary keywords: art education;arts curriculum;contemporary art;multiculturalism;secondary schools;Likovna vzgoja in izobraževanje;Srednješolsko učenje in poučevanje;Sodobna umetnost;Izobraževalni programi;Evropa;
Type (COBISS): Article
Pages: str. 65-85
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ8
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ4
Chronology: dec.2015
ID: 10866475
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