diplomsko delo
Lidija Pečar (Author), Mojca Juriševič (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu je obravnavana testna anksioznost pri učencih tretjega triletja osnovne šole. Učencem situacija preverjanja in ocenjevanja znanja namreč lahko predstavlja večjo stopnjo anksioznosti. S pomočjo raziskave je bila raziskana testna anksioznost pri učencih. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. Teoretični del vsebuje opredelitev anksioznosti in testne anksioznosti. Opisane so komponente testne anksioznosti, ki se pojavljajo pri učencih ob preverjanju in ocenjevanju znanja. V nadaljevanju so navedeni dejavniki in vplivi anksioznosti na učenca. V zadnjem poglavju teoretičnega dela so zapisani predlogi za zmanjšanje testne anksioznosti, in sicer kako si lahko učenec pomaga sam in kaj lahko naredi učitelj za zmanjšanje testne anksioznosti pri učencih. V empiričnem delu sledi predstavitev raziskave s pomočjo anketnih vprašalnikov za učence in učitelje. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 100 učencev in 8 učiteljev tretjega triletja osnovne šole v Ljubljani. Z anketnim vprašalnikom za učence je raziskano, pri katerem predmetu in v kateri obliki preverjanja in ocenjevanja znanja se testna anksioznost najpogosteje pojavlja. Poleg tega je bilo preučeno tudi, kakšen učni uspeh imajo učenci pri tem predmetu, ter kaj naredijo sami in kaj lahko naredi učitelj za zmanjšanje testne anksioznosti. Z anketnim vprašalnikom za učitelje je raziskano, kako pogosto učitelji zaznajo znake testne anksioznosti in katere strategije uporabljajo, da bi testno anksioznost pri učencih zmanjšali. Na koncu diplomskega dela so podane ugotovitve moje raziskave, s katerimi podam predloge za zmanjšanje testne anksioznosti pri učencih, ki jih lahko izvajajo tako učenci kot učitelji.


preverjanje in ocenjevanje znanja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [L. Pečar]
UDC: 373.32.016:37.091.275(043.2)
COBISS: 11736649 Link will open in a new window
Views: 703
Downloads: 118
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Detecting test anxiety in the third part of primary school
Secondary abstract: The thesis deals with the test anxiety in pupils of the third three-year of elementary school. The situation of testing the knowledge of pupils represents a great degree of anxiety to them. With the help of the research questioner, test anxiety in pupils was studied. The diploma consists of the theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part contains the definition of anxiety and test anxiety. It describes the components of test anxiety that appear at testing the knowledge of pupils, its factors and the effect on the pupils. In the last chapter of the theoretical part, the suggestions for reducing test anxiety are described, mainly how a pupil can help himself and what a teacher can do to reduce test anxiety among pupils. The empirical part consists of a presentation of the research using questionnaires for pupils and teachers. The research involved 100 pupils and 8 teachers of the subject level of elementary school in Ljubljana. A questionnaire for pupils examined the subject matter and in what form of knowledge assessment, test anxiety most commonly occurs. In addition, it is also studied what learning success students have on this subject, and what they and the teachers can do to reduce test anxiety. The questionnaire for teachers has examined how often teachers detect signs of test anxiety and which strategies they use to reduce it. At the end of the diploma, the findings of my research are given, with which I propose suggestions for reducing test anxiety among pupils, which can be performed both by pupils and teachers.
Secondary keywords: primary education;anxiety;learning test;osnovnošolski pouk;anksioznost;test znanja;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Dvopredmetni učitelj, Matematika-računalništvo
Pages: 25 str., [2] str. pril.
ID: 10866717