Darko Lovrec (Editor), Vito Tič (Editor), Vito Tič (Reviewer), Edvard Detiček (Reviewer), Darko Lovrec (Reviewer)


The International Fluid Power Conference is a two day event, intended for all those professionally-involved with hydraulic or pneumatic power devices and for all those, wishing to be informed about the ‘state of the art’, new discoveries and innovations within the field of hydraulics and pneumatics. The gathering of experts at this conference in Maribor has been a tradition since 1995, and is organised by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maribor, in Slovenia. Fluid Power conferences are organised every second year and cover those principal technical events within the field of fluid power technologies in Slovenia, and throughout this region of Europe. This year's conference is taking place on the 14th and 15th September in Maribor. We wish all participants at the International Conference-Fluid Power 2017 continued successful professional work, and hope that we have yet again added another small piece within the mosaic of fluid power.


hidravlične tekočine;hidravlika;pnevmatika;Strojništvo;Zborniki;Mednarodna posvetovanja;Hidravlične naprave;Pnevmatske naprave;Fluidna tehnika;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.31 - Proceedings of Peer-Reviewed Scientific Conference Contributions (international and foreign conferences)
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: University of Maribor Press
UDC: 621.22(082)(0.034.2)
COBISS: 92963329 Link will open in a new window
ISBN: 978-961-286-086-8
Views: 889
Downloads: 117
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Mednarodna konferenca Fluidna tehnika 2017
Secondary abstract: Mednarodna konferenca Fluidna tehnika je dvodnevni dogodek, ki je namenjen vsem, ki so na kakršenkoli način povezani s hidravličnimi ali pnevmatičnimi napravami in vsem tistim, ki želijo biti informirani o zadnjem stanju tehnike, o novih odkritjih, spoznanjih in ponudbi s področja hidravlike in pnevmatike. Srečanja strokovnjakov s področja hidravlike in pnevmatike potekajo pod okriljem Fakultete za strojništvo Univerze v Mariboru že od leta 1995. Konference so organizirane vsako drugo leto in so največji tovrstni dogodek ne samo v Sloveniji, temveč tudi v tem delu Evrope. Letošnja konferenca je potekala 14. in 15. septembra, že po tradiciji v Kongresnem centru Habakuk v Mariboru. Udeležencem mednarodne konference Fluidna Tehnika 2017 želimo obilo uspehov pri strokovnem delu v upanju, da smo tudi letos ponovno dodali še en kamenček v mozaiku fluidne tehnike.
Secondary keywords: hidravlične tekočine;hidravlika;pnevmatika;fluidna tehnika;komponente in sistemi;vodenje sistemov;fluidi;vzdrževanje;nadzor;
Type (COBISS): Proceedings
Pages: 334
DOI: 10.18690/978-961-286-086-8
ID: 10866822
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