magistrsko delo
Jerneja Pirc (Author), Špela Razpotnik (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo obravnava doživljanje obremenjenosti, poklicnega stresa in poklicne izgorelosti vzgojiteljev v dijaškem domu. V prvem, teoretičnem delu, je predstavljena zakonodajna podlaga za delovanje dijaškega doma in njegova vzgojno-izobraževalna vloga v življenju mladostnikov, vloge in naloge vzgojitelja kot nosilca vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa ter kompetence, ki naj bi jih vzgojitelj pri tem imel, poklicni stres in poklicna izgorelost. V nadaljevanju je predstavljen pomen dodatnih izpopolnjevanj in izobraževanj ter supervizije za strokovni in osebnostni razvoj vzgojiteljev v dijaškem domu. V empiričnem delu rezultati kvantitativne raziskave, v kateri je sodelovalo 68 vzgojiteljev, predstavljajo prisotnost stresorjev pri delu vzgojiteljev v slovenskih dijaških domovih , njihovo doživljanje stresa in poklicne izgorelosti ter njuno medsebojno povezanost glede na spol, delovni staž, obliko zaposlitve, udeleževanje vzgojiteljev na dodatnih izobraževanjih in izpopolnjevanjih, (ne)prisotnost supervizije v dijaškem domu ter namero o zapustitvi trenutnega delovnega mesta. Podatki so za potrebe raziskave pridobljeni s spletnim anketnim vprašalnikom ‒ kombinacije Lestvice stresa in vprašalnika izgorelosti MBI-ES. Vzgojitelji, sodelujoči v raziskavi, poročajo, da so delovna obremenjenost, sistem dijaškega doma ter vedenje in motiviranost dijakov najpomembnejši viri stresa pri njihovem delu. Vzgojitelji ne doživljajo visoke stopnje izgorelosti, jih pa kljub temu čustveno izčrpavata delovna obremenjenost ter odnos in vedenje vodstva dijaškega doma. Vzgojitelje bremeni količina administrativnega dela, zahtevnost nalog in časovni pritiski, občutek, da njihovo delo ni dovolj vredno in cenjeno in da je njihovo delo slabo plačano. Vzgojitelji si pri svojem delu želijo več podpore s strani zunanjih strokovnih ustanov.


poklicni stres;poklicna izgorelost;supervizija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [J. Pirc]
UDC: 371:331.472(043.2)
COBISS: 11751497 Link will open in a new window
Views: 876
Downloads: 163
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Teachers' workload in upper-secondary school dormitories
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis examines the workload, occupational stress and occupational burnout experienced by teachers working in upper-secondary school dormitories. The first, theoretical part, focuses on the legislative basis for the functioning of an upper-secondary school dormitory and its educational role in adolescents' lives; roles, tasks and expected competences of the teacher as the person responsible for the educational process; occupational stress and occupational burnout. It also discusses the importance of additional training and supervision for the professional and personal development of teachers working in upper-secondary school dormitories. In the empirical part, the results of a quantitative study covering 68 teachers working in Slovenian upper-secondary school dormitories indicate the presence of workplace stressors, the experience of stress and occupational burnout, and the interconnection of the latter with regard to gender, seniority, form of employment, participation in additional trainings, lack/presence of supervision in a upper-secondary school dormitory, and intention to leave the current workplace. The data needed for the study were obtained using an online questionnaire – the combination of Stress Scale and MBI-ES burnout questionnaire. The teachers participating in the study cited the workload, dormitory system, and students' behaviour and motivation as the main sources of work-related stress. While the teachers do not experience a high level of burnout, they are nevertheless emotionally exhausted by the workload and by the attitude and behaviour of the dormitory management. The teachers are burdened with the amount of administrative work, complexity of work assignments, and time pressure. They also tend to feel that their work is not valued highly enough and that their work is poorly paid. Finally, the teachers would like to receive more support from qualified external institutions.
Secondary keywords: trainer;community home;vzgojitelj;vzgojni dom;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: VII, 93 str.
ID: 10867517