magistrsko delo
Anja Čelan (Author), Karmen Kolnik (Mentor), Majda Schmidt (Mentor)


Gluhi in naglušni učenci spadajo med otroke s posebnimi potrebami (OPP), katerim so namenjene prilagoditve v vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu. V preteklosti so striktno ločevali otroke na tiste, ki so "normalni", in tiste, ki imajo kakršnokoli okvaro. Šlo je za popolno segregacijo (Opara, 2011). Danes poznamo več oblik izobraževanja otrok s posebnimi potrebami. Še vedno obstaja segregiran način za tiste, za katere stroka meni, da v redni šoli ne bi bili uspešni. Kot odgovor na segregacijo pa sta se pojavila koncepta integracije in inkluzije. Slednja predvideva vključevanje OPP v redne šole, kjer se okolje prilagaja učencu in ne obratno (Vršnik, 2003). Ta način je danes pogost, tudi pri vključevanju učencev z motnjo sluha, in ugotovimo, da je na Zavodu za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana bolj malo takšnih učencev, katerih ime nosi šola. To je seveda v prid učencem z motnjo sluha, saj to pomeni, da jih je ZGN uspešno rehabilitiral do te mere, da so se lahko vključili v redno šolo, ob tem pa izvajajo še mobilno surdopedagoško obravnavo integriranih otrok. Gluhi in naglušni so skupina OPP in po podatkih ministrstva so v šolskem letu 2016/17 predstavljali 1,8 % OPP, kar ni zanemarljivo (Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport, 2016). Vsi učenci imajo pravico do šolanja in izobrazbe ter želenega poklica. Dejstvo pa je, da so učni rezultati učencev z motnjo sluha vedno manjši od pričakovanih in stroka stremi k izboljšanju. Največjo oviro pri tem predstavlja nezmožnost slišanja ali oteženo slišanje kljub tehničnim pripomočkom. Tako so prikrajšani za informacije. Slišeči učenci marsikatero informacijo dobijo "mimogrede, pri gluhih in naglušnih pa ta - zleti" mimo njih. Učitelj mora zato dobro poznati učenca in okvaro sluha nasploh, da lahko okoli tega načrtuje in izvede kvalitetne učne ure. V učnem načrtu za prilagojen izobraževalni program z enakovrednim izobrazbenim standardom za gluhe in naglušne otroke (2003) so zapisane smernice za poučevanje otrok z motnjo sluha predmeta geografije. Dokument je splošen in ni konkretnih navodil. Je pa dejstvo, da kakršnihkoli navodil ne gre posploševati na vso populacijo učencev z okvaro sluha. Vendar, kakorkoli gledano, je dokument prilagoditev preskop z informacijami za učitelja redne šole, ki je pravkar postal učitelj gluhega in naglušnega učenca. Potrebne bi bile zbrane konkretne smernice učiteljev, ki imajo na tem področju veliko izkušenj. V okviru raziskovalnega dela je bil cilj izdelati in preizkusiti didaktične pripomočke za učence z motnjo sluha pri predmetu geografije v 6., 7., 8. in 9. razredu. Pripomočki so oblikovani glede na operativne cilje posamezne učne enote. Preizkusili smo jih v treh šolskih urah geografije, mnenje o njih so podali učenci in tudi učiteljica geografije Tatjana Vidergar.


magistrska dela;gluhota;naglušnost;inkluzija;pouk geografije;didaktični pripomočki;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [A. Čelan]
UDC: 37.091.6:91-056.262(043.2)
COBISS: 23479304 Link will open in a new window
Views: 901
Downloads: 188
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Education of children with hearing impairments and preparation of didactic aids for geography class
Secondary abstract: Deaf and hard of hearing students are children with special needs (OPP), which need adjustment of the school-educational process. In the past, education process strictly separated the children who are "normal" and those who have any kind of defect. This was a complete segregation (Opara, 2011). Today, we are familiar with several forms of education of children with special needs. However, there is still a segregated way for those for whom the profession considers that would not be successful in a regular school. In response to segregation, the concept of integration and inclusion have emerged. The latter provides the integration of special needs children in mainstream schools, where the environment adapts to the student and not the other way around (Vršnik, 2003). This method is common today, even with the inclusion of students with a hearing disorder and it was figured out that there is a low number of children at the Institute for the deaf and hard of hearing pupils in Ljubljana. This is of course in favour of pupils with hearing disorder, because it means that the institute fully rehabilitates them to the point where they can successfully be included in the regular school, and the institute also performs a mobile special hearing treatment of integrated children. Deaf and hard of hearing are a group of children with special needs and by the data of ministry they represent 1,8 % of children with special needs, which is not negligible. All students have the right to schooling and education as well as the right to the desired profession. Nevertheless, a fact is that the learning outcomes of students with hearing disabilities are still lower than expected and the professions aim to improve this. The biggest obstacle in this regard represents the inability or difficulty in hearing in spite of technical devices. Therefore, they are deprived of information. Many pupils without hearing disabilities get information "by the way", in the case of the deaf and hard of hearing this kind of information "get past" them. The teacher, therefore, has to have a good knowledge of the pupil and his/hers hearing loss in general, to be able to carry out a high-quality lesson. In the curricula for adjusted educational program with equal educational standards for deaf and hard of hearing (2003) the guidelines are written for teaching geography to hard of hearing children. This document is quite common and contains no specific guidance. Moreover, it is a fact that any instructions should not be generalized to the entire population of pupils with hearing loss. However, we look at it this document of adjustments is barely sufficient of information for a teacher in a regular school, who has just become a teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing student. It is necessary to collect specific guidelines of teachers, who have a lot of experience in this field. In the framework of the research part, the goal was to make and test didactic material for hard of hearing children in geography lessons for 6., 7., 8. and 9. class. The materials are designed in relation to the operational objectives of the individual learning units. The materials were tested in three school hours of geography, an opinion on them was provided by the pupils and also by a geography teacher Tatjana Vidergar.
Secondary keywords: master theses;deafness;hearing defects;inclusion;geography lessons;didactic materials;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za geografijo, Oddelek za pedagogiko
Pages: 126 f.
ID: 10871236