diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa Varstvoslovje
Dejan Pavlović (Author), Branko Lobnikar (Mentor)


Blejski dnevi so najbolj obiskana javna prireditev (v nadaljevanju prireditev) na Bledu. Ker je varnost zelo pomembna dobrina, smo se odločili, da bomo ocenili uspešnost in učinkovitost organizacije varovanja Blejskih dni. Uspešnost in učinkovitost organizacije varovanja Blejskih dni smo ocenili na podlagi več kriterijev. Prvi kriterij na podlagi katerega smo ocenjevali uspešnost in učinkovitost organizacije varovanja Blejskih dni, je analiza poročil o poteku varovanja Blejskih dni, analiza o načrtu varovanja Blejskih dni 2017 in analiza poročil o uporabi ukrepov varnostnika. Ugotovitve analiz so pokazale, da do sedaj na Blejskih dnevih še ni prišlo do kršitve reda oz. javnega reda in miru. Iz tega lahko sklepamo, da varnostniki in reditelji dobro opravljajo svoje delo, da je dogodek za udeležence varen ter da je sama organizacija Blejskih dni uspešna in učinkovita. Drugi kriterij so bili intervjuji, ki smo jih tekom pisanja diplomske naloge izpeljali. Intervjuvane osebe so bile: glavna vodja prireditve Blejskih dni Diana Šebat, predsednik društva Nevem mag. Boštjan Vogelnik in varnostni manager varnostne službe Stinger d.o.o. Mumin Mešković. Na podlagi intervjujev smo ugotovili, da je Turizem Bled zadovoljen z delom varnostnikov, da reditelji dobro sodelujejo z varnostniki, ter da si pri opravljanju svojih nalog med seboj pomagajo in da svoje delo dobro opravljajo. Na Blejskih dnevih do sedaj še ni prišlo do kršitve reda in miru. Na vprašanje ali menite, da je organizacija varovanja Blejskih dni uspešna in učinkovita, so vse tri osebe odgovorile z da. Tretji kriterij je bila analiza anket, ki smo jih razdelili udeležencem Blejskih dni 2017. Rezultati anket so pokazali, da so udeleženci Blejskih dni zadovoljni s samo organizacijo varovanja dogodka ter da se počutijo varno. Na podlagi zaključkov analiz vseh kriterijev smo ocenili, da je organizacija varovanja Blejskih dni uspešna in učinkovita ter da so posledično tudi Blejski dnevi varen dogodek za udeležence.


javne prireditve;varnost;varovanje;organizacija;uspešnost;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [D. Pavlović]
UDC: 351.78:351.75(043.2)
COBISS: 3450090 Link will open in a new window
Views: 921
Downloads: 159
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Bled Days event (hereinafter referred as event) is the biggest and the most visited event on Bled. Because security is a very important part of every major event, we have decided to evaluate the efficiency and successfulness of security at the Bled Days event. We evaluated these two key parts on different criteria. The first criterion, on which we evaluated successfulness and efficiency of the organization of security at Bled Days, is the analysis of the reports of how the security ran at the event, analysis of the plan of security at Bled Days and finally analysis of the reports about security guards taking action at the event. We found out that there has been no breaking of the public order whatsoever. In conclusion we can say that security guards and event monitors are doing their job successfully and efficiently, that the event is safe for the visitors and that the overall organization of the Bled Days is successful. The second criterion consists of interviews, which we carried out during our thesis. We interviewed three key people, which all have a key part in organizing the security at the Bled Days event. These three people are the Main Leader of the event Diana Šebat, Chairman of the group Nevem, Boštjan Vogelnik and finally, Manager of the security group Stinger d.o.o. Mumin Mešković. When analysing interviews we found out that the Tourism Bled is pleased with security guard’s work, we also found out that security guards are cooperating with men, who monitor the event and that they help each other with the tasks they are given, since there wasn’t a single disturbance of the public order at the Bled Days up till now. When asked, if the organization of security at the Bled Days event is successful and effective, all three of the people interviewed answered yes. The third criterion was the analysis of the surveys, which we handed out to the visitors of the Bled Days event. The results of the survey showed us, that visitors of Bled Days are pleased with the security at the event and that they feel safe. Looking at the analysis of all the criteria we concluded that the organization of security at Bled Days is successful and efficient and that it is a safe event for all visitors. 
Secondary keywords: Bled Days;organization;successful;efficient;security;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede
Pages: V, 66 str.
ID: 10874786