magistrsko delo
Lucija Stiplovšek (Author), Zdenka Ženko (Mentor), Simona Šarotar Žižek (Co-mentor)


Magistrsko delo začenjamo z uvodno predstavitvijo človeških virov, pri čemer se posvečamo razvoju in usposabljanju zaposlenih. Pojasnimo, zakaj sta oba procesa pomembna in katere so razlike med človeškimi viri in človeškim kapitalom. Človeške vire pojmujemo kot vzvod za inovativne organizacije, zato predstavljamo sodobne pristope in tehnike upravljanja s človeškimi viri. Za učinkovito aktiviranje in delovanje človeških virov je esencialnega pomena učinkovit management človeških virov, katerega dejavnike in funkcije predstavljamo v nadaljevanju. Izpostavljamo strateški management človeških virov, ki je dinamičen, usmerjen v dolgotrajne učinke in omogoča implementacijo sodobnih spoznanj v podjetja. Ker so za inovativno organizacijo ključni ustvarjalni posamezniki, predstavljamo ustvarjalnost in tehnike spodbujanja ustvarjalnosti. Skozi inovacijski proces prikažemo razvoj od ideje do inovacije in terminologijo inovacijskega managementa. Menimo, da poznavanje le-te pomembno prispeva k iskanju virov inovacij in k višjemu inovacijskemu potencialu organizacije. V aplikativnem delu magistrske naloge smo izvedli študijo primera na podjetju FIT X. Ugotovitve iz študije primera predstavljamo na dveh modelih, in sicer na modelu kompetenc in integralnem modelu managementa človeških virov na temeljih ustvarjalnosti in inovativnosti. V sklepnem delu navajamo ključne ugotovitve o strateškem managementu človeških virov, inovacijskem managementu, sodobnem mentoriranju in inovacijskem potencialu opazovane organizacije ter preverjamo hipoteze.


človeški viri;management človeških virov;ustvarjalnost;inovativnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [L. Stiplovšek]
UDC: 331.108:001.895(043.2)
COBISS: 12973084 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1235
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Human resource managment as a source of creative clime in innovation process
Secondary abstract: In the beginning of our master thesis we introduce the concept of human resources with an emphasis on the employees' development and training. We elaborate on the latter processes, and further pinpoint the differences between human resources and human capital. We present contemporary state-of-the-art methods for managing human resources, which are hereby deemed as a »leverage« for innovative organizations. The determinants and functions of the Human Resource Management are shown. With the Human Resource Management being essential for prospective organizations, we draw on its strategic facet to present how theoretical insights can be sustained along with long-term outcomes. The central assertion of this thesis is that creative individuals are crucial for the innovative organizations. In light of this we present the concept of creativity and several techniques that foster creativity. Through the lens of innovation process the development of an idea towards an innovation is presented. In addition to that we elucidate the terminology of Innovation management since acknowledging the theoretical background can lead to improved innovation sourcing and increased innovation potential in organizations. In the research part of the thesis a case-study approach was used in FIT X enterprise. Key findings from the case study are synthesized in two models; first one showing the employees' competences, whereas the second one represents an integral model of the Human Resource Management on the basis of creativity and innovativeness. We summarize the key findings and test the hypotheses in the conclusion.
Secondary keywords: human resources;human resource management;creativity;innovativeness;organization;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 64 f.
ID: 10876579
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