magistrsko delo
Anastazija Babič (Author), Alenka Kobolt (Mentor)


Temeljni cilj magistrskega dela je bil izvajati in predvsem kvalitativno ovrednotiti, kako lahko z različnimi sprostitvenimi, umetnostnimi in predvsem likovnimi dejavnostmi, nudimo podporo in pomoč štirim ranljivim učencem, ki živijo v mladinskem domu. Naloga temelji na multipli študiji primera. Oblikovala sem večmesečni ustvarjalni proces individualnih in skupinskih delavnic, ki so vsebovale predvsem pomoč z likovnimi dejavnostmi (v nadaljevanju PZLD) in v manjši meri dramsko, plesno-gibalno, glasbeno izražanje in sprostitvene dejavnosti. V teoretičnem delu predstavljam vsebini: Pomoč z umetnostjo (v nadaljevanju PZU) in PZLD, v mednarodni terminologiji znani kot »arts therapies« in »art therapy«. Nadalje predstavljam naslednje vsebine: ustvarjalnost, komunikacijo, čustva, čustvene in vedenjske težave/motnje, mladinski dom, temeljne potrebe, kakor jih opredeli William Glasser (svoboda, zabava, ljubezen, moč/veljava), ter zadovoljevanje potreb otrok v instituciji. V empiričnem delu predstavljam zbrano gradivo in odgovarjam na raziskovalna vprašanja. Podatke o udeleženih sem zbirala s pogovori z njimi ter njihovimi vzgojitelji_cami, o podpornem procesu pa z delno strukturiranim opazovanjem brez in z udeležbo, z odgovori, mnenji in samoocenami udeleženih v procesu pomoči in v zaključnih pogovorih z njimi. Na podlagi kvalitativne (pogovori in opazovanje) ter kvantitativne analize (počutjemer in samoocene počutja udeleženih) beležim pozitivne učinke ustvarjalnih pristopov in pristopov PZLD na izboljšanje počutja ter na spremembo intenzivnosti čustev, čustvenih stanj, na primer: porast zadovoljstva in upad žalosti. Kvalitativna analiza je pokazala, da sta v procesu izvedbe skupinskih in individualnih dejavnosti potekala tako ozaveščanje kot širjenje načinov izražanja počutja, čustev in želja vseh štirih udeleženih. Udeleženi so izražali in zadovoljevali svoje potrebe, razvijala se je njihova ustvarjalnost, širil vedenjski repertoar, izboljšala medosebna komunikacija tako v poteku delavnic kot izven njih. S pomočjo likovnega medija sem izvedla test individualne emocionalne ocene in test socialne interakcije udeleženih. Pri obeh je pri vseh udeleženih napredek v zaključni oceni v primerjavi z začetno oceno. Natančen opis procesa in predstavljene ugotovitve bi lahko bile v pomoč različnim strokovnim delavcem pri delu z ranljivimi učenci in hkrati spodbuda za nadaljnje študije.


ranljivi učenci;pomoč z umetnostjo;pomoč z likovnimi dejavnostmi;ustvarjalnost;čustvene in vedenjske težave;potrebe;komunikacija;mladinski dom;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Babič]
UDC: 615.851(043.2)
COBISS: 11810377 Link will open in a new window
Views: 575
Downloads: 198
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Creative approaches to support vulnerable pupils
Secondary abstract: The central objective in the Master’s thesis was to perform and qualitatively assess, how to offer support to four vulnerable pupils, living in a youth care centre, through various relaxation, artistic and above all, visual arts activities. The thesis is based on a multiple case study. I designed a creative program of individual and group workshops, comprised mostly of art assistance through visual arts (here in after PZLD) and to a lesser extent also through drama, dance, musical expression and relaxation activities. In the theoretical part, the following topics are presented: art assistance (here in after referred to as PZU) and PZLD, in the international terminology known as »arts therapies« and »art therapy«. In addition, creativity, communication, emotions, emotional and behavioural problems and disorders, youth care centre, basic needs as defined by William Glasser (freedom, fun, love and power/significance) and meeting the needs of a child in an institution are also presented. In the empirical part, I present the collected materials and answer my research questions. I gathered the information about the participants through conversations with them and their educators, whereas my information about the support system came through a partially structured observation with and without my participation, interviews and self-assessments of the participants in the assistance process and with my final discussions with them. The qualitative (conversation and observation) and quantitative (self-evaluation of feelings) analysis show positive effects that creative approaches and PZLD approaches have on the improvement of well-being and on the higher intensity of emotions (e.g. an increase in satisfaction and a decrease in sadness). The qualitative analysis shows that in the process of individual and group activities, an increase in ways of expressing and acknowledging emotions, feelings and desires, takes place with all four participants. The participants were able to express and fulfil their needs, whereas their creativity evolved, their behavioural repertoire expanded and their interpersonal communications improved, both in the course of workshops and outside of them. Through a visual medium I completed the emotional evaluation test and the social interaction test. In comparison with the initial grade, the final results show an improvement in all participants with both of these tests. The detailed description of the process and the findings presented in this thesis, may stimulate further studies and at the same time prove helpful to various pedagogues that work with vulnerable students.
Secondary keywords: backward child;otrok s posebnimi potrebami;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Pomoč z umetnostjo
Pages: 144 str.
ID: 10877329