diplomsko delo
Monika Zorčič (Author), Igor Areh (Mentor)


V diplomski nalogi Kritična presoja uporabe hipnoze in kognitivnega intervjuja v preiskovanju kaznivih dejanj bom odprla vprašanje spornosti teh dveh preiskovalnih metod. V začetku naloge sem predstavila dva ključna elementa za boljše razumevanje vsebine, to sta spomin in sugestija. Oba sta tesno povezana z vsako od metod zaslišanja, ki sta glavna tema naloge in ju opisujem v nadaljevanju. Sledijo krajši zapis o zgodovinskem ozadju, opis postopka zaslišanja z eno in drugo tehniko ter predstavitev prednosti in slabosti obeh metod. Ob koncu teoretičnega dela pa pridejo na vrsto praktični primeri uporabe obeh metod zaslišanja, njuna primerjava in kritični pogled na eno in drugo tehniko. Spornost metod izhaja iz predpostavke, da je pričanje posameznika kot končni rezultat njihove uporabe lahko netočno, česar si pravosodni organi pri preiskovanju kaznivega dejanja ne smejo privoščiti. V kritični primerjavi sem z uporabo literature, ki tematiko obravnava z različnih zornih kotov, izoblikovala končne ugotovitve. Hipnoza ne spada med tehnike zaslišanja, pri katerih rezultati nastopajo kot pravni dokazi, saj so preveč nepredvidljivi. Lahko jo uporabljamo le kot pomoč za iskanje dokazov oziroma izboljšanje spomina. Nasprotno pa je kognitivni intervju kljub pomanjkljivostim, ki so v primerjavi s hipnozo drastično manjše, priznana metoda, ki se uporablja pri zaslišanju oseb, povezanih s kaznivim dejanjem.


kazniva dejanja;preiskovanje;kognitivni intervjuju;hipnoza;forenzična psihologija;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [M. Zorčič]
UDC: [159.9:340.6]+343.98(043.2)
COBISS: 3470314 Link will open in a new window
Views: 715
Downloads: 176
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: A critical assessment of hypnosis and cognitive interview in criminal investigations
Secondary abstract: In my thesis, called „A critical assessment of hypnosis and cognitive interview in criminal investigations“, I am going to open the question the two methods' controversy. In the beginning I presented two key elements for better understanding of the topic - memory and suggestion. Both elements are closely connected to each of the interrogation methods. The thesis continues with a general description of both methods. It is followed by a shorter paragraph of historical background, the process of interrogation with one and the other method, and its advantages and disadvantages. At the end of the theoretical part I presented practical examples of each method's use, their comparison, and a critical of overview of both. The controversy of hypnosis and cognitive interview stems from the assumption that an individual's testimony as the final result of these two methods might be inaccurate, which is not something judicial authorities can afford. Through critical comparison of literature sources from different view angles, I have come to my conclusions. Hypnosis should not be considered an interrogation technique with legal proof as result, since its findings are too unpredictable. It can only be used as an aid to finding evidence, or to help improve memory. Cognitive interview, however, despite its results being drastically vaguer, is an acquired method used for interrogating persons involved in a criminal offense.
Secondary keywords: Hypnosis;cognitive interview;psychology;interrogation;memory.;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede
Pages: V, 39 str.
ID: 10879196
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