(magistrsko delo)
Ksenija Širec (Author), Sabina Fijan (Mentor), Vida Gönc (Co-mentor)


V magistrskem delu smo opisali problematiko okužb, povezanih z zdravstvom. Opisali smo najpogostejše povzročitelje, njihove poti prenosa, raziskali strokovne smernice za preprečevanje okužb, povezanih z zdravstvom, ki zdravstveno osebje zavezuje k upoštevanju ter poudarili pomen higiene rok. Namen magistrskega dela je bil oceniti seznanjenost, stališče in odnos glede standardnih ukrepov okužb, povezanih z zdravstvom, in z njimi povezanih determinant med zdravstvenimi delavci v socialnovarstvenih ustanovah. Raziskovalna metodologija: V raziskavi je bila uporabljena kvantitativna metodologija. Izvedli smo mnenjsko anketo med zdravstvenimi delavci v dveh socialnovarstvenih ustanovah. Podatke smo zbrali s pomočjo namensko izdelanega vprašalnika. Rezultate ankete smo obdelali s pomočjo računalniških programov Microsoft Office Excel 2010 in IBM SPSS Statistisc 19. Rezultati raziskave: V raziskavi smo potrdili hipotezo, da zdravstveni delavci z višjo izobrazbo bolje poznajo povzročitelje okužb, povezanih z zdravstvom. Prav tako smo potrdilo hipotezo, da delovna doba zdravstvenih delavcev nesignifikantno vpliva na poznavanje povzročiteljev okužb, povezanih z zdravstvom. Ugotovili smo tudi, da imajo zdravstveni delavci pozitivno stališče in odnos do izvajanja smernic za preprečevanja okužb, povezanih z zdravstvom. Sklep: Predvsem v zadnjih letih so bili doseženi pomembni premiki v zavedanju pomena okužb, povezanih z zdravstvom. Zdravstveni delavci imajo dobro znanje, pozitivno stališče in odnos do povzročiteljev okužb, povezanih z zdravstvom. Za zmanjševanje okužb, povezanih z zdravstvom, pa sta pomembna nadzor in nenehno izobraževanje na tem področju.


okužbe povezane z zdravstvom;povzročitelji okužb povezanih z zdravstvom;higiena rok;poti prenosa okužb;smernice;zdravstveni delavci;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [K. Širec]
UDC: 616.9(043.2)
COBISS: 2382500 Link will open in a new window
Views: 976
Downloads: 216
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Awareness, viewpoints and attitudes of healthcare workers regarding health-care associated infections
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis, discusses the issue of healthcare-associated infections. We described the most common causative agents, pathways of transmission, guidelines for the prevention of healthcare associated infections, and emphasized the importance of hand hygiene. The purpose of the master's thesis was to assess the knowledge, views and attitude regarding standard measures for handling healthcare-associated infections and the related determinants among health professionals in social welfare institutions. Research methodology: The quantitative research methodology was applied in the study. We conducted an opinion survey among health professionals in two nursing homes. Data were collected using questionnaire prepared specifically for this purpose. The results of the survey were processed using Microsoft Office Excel 2010 and the IBM SPSS Statistics 19 software. Results: We confirmed our hypothesis that health professionals with higher education levels are more familiar with the causes of healthcare-associated infections. We also confirmed the hypothesis that the years of service of health professionals have an insignificant effect on their knowledge about healthcare-associated infections. Furthermore, the research question of, whether health professionals have a positive view and attitude towards the implementation of guidelines for the prevention of healthcare-associated infections was also affirmed. Conclusion: We have recently witnessed particularly, significant shifts in the awareness of the importance of healthcare-associated infections. Health professionals possess solid knowledge, as well as a positive attitude and views when it comes to healthcare-associated infections. In order to reduce healthcare-associated infections, it is important to ensure monitoring and continuous education in this field.
Secondary keywords: healthcare-asociated infections;causative agents of infection;hand hygiene;health care infections pathways;guidelines;health professionals;Infection;Hospitals;Health personnel;Okužba;Bolnišnice;Zdravstveno osebje;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: V, 52 f., 23 f. pril.
ID: 10882379
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