magistrsko delo
Mojca Deželak (Author), Karin Širec (Mentor), Darja Boršič (Co-mentor)


Mladi na trg dela večinoma vstopajo po končanem šolanju. Večina jih začne aktivno iskati zaposlitev po dopolnjenem dvajsetem letu starosti, še bolj izrazito pa v drugi polovici dvajsetih let. Podjetniška aktivnost je tako le ena izmed možnosti za vstop na trg dela in lahko pomeni obetavno zaposlitveno možnost, ki pa je hkrati tudi zelo tvegana in polna pasti (Rebernik et al. 2017, str. 106). Čeprav se stanje na trgu dela izboljšuje, so še vedno vidne posledice zadnje gospodarske krize, ki je povzročila zmanjšanje zaposlitvenih možnosti. Najbolj so se možnosti na trgu dela zmanjšale za skupino mladih ljudi. Mladi se v današnjih časih dlje izobražujejo in zato kot prvi iskalci zaposlitve kasneje vstopajo na trg dela. Izobrazba, ki jo pridobijo v času študija, pa jim ne prinese dovolj izkušenj, ki bi bile za delodajalce zanimive. V teoretičnem delu smo s pomočjo strokovne domače in tuje literature preučili osnove brezposelnosti. S tem smo predstavili problematiko mladih in njihovo vključevanje na trg dela. Raziskali smo tudi, kako brezposelnim mladim z ukrepi pomaga Zavod RS za zaposlovanje (v nadaljevanju ZRSZ) in jih predstavili. Problem brezposelnosti mladih smo povezali z vključevanjem v podjetništvo. Za preučevanje dejavnikov brezposelnih mladih in vključujočega podjetništva smo izvedli raziskavo. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 100 brezposelnih mladih v starostni skupini od 15 do 35 let. Anketni vprašalnik so samostojno izpolnjevali v pisni obliki ali preko spleta. Podatke smo nato obdelali s programom SPSS. Ugotovili smo, da večina mladih, ki se izobražuje, hkrati tudi opravlja študentsko delo, vendar jim to ne prinese dovolj izkušenj, saj dela ne opravljajo v svoji stroki (smeri izobraževanja). Čeprav smo anketirali brezposelne mlade, pa je velik delež tistih, ki so dolgotrajno brezposelni (12 do 23 mesecev). Ker ne dobijo zaposlitve, si svojo socialno varnost največkrat zagotavljajo s pomočjo staršev/sorodnikov/prijateljev ali pa zaprosijo za denarno socialno pomoč. Veliko pa je tudi takšnih, ki opravljajo delo na črno. Kljub velikemu deležu brezposelnih mladih, manj kot polovica anketiranih ne razmišlja o ustanovitvi podjetja, saj jih je strah neuspeha.


brezposelnost;zaposlovanje;trg dela;študentsko delo;podjetništvo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Deželak]
UDC: 331.5:005(043.2)
COBISS: 12983324 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1294
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Youth unemployment and inclusive entrepreneurship
Secondary abstract: Young people enter the labor market after completing their studies. Most begin to actively seek employment after the age of twenty, and even more pronounced in the second half of the twenties. Entrepreneurial activity is thus only one of the opportunities for entering the labor market and can be a promising employment option, which is at the same time a very risky one and full of traps (Rebernik et al. 2017, p. 106). Although the labor market situation is improving, there are still visible consequences of the recent economic crisis, which has led to a decline in employment opportunities. Opportunities on the labor market have decreased the most for young people. They are studying longer nowadays and, as first job seekers, they enter the the labor market later on. The education they gain during their studies does not give them enough experience that would make them interesting for employers. In the theoretical part, with the help of professional domestic and foreign literature, we analyzed the basics of unemployment. With this, we presented the problems of young people and their integration into the labor market. We also explored and presented how the unemployed young people are assisted by the Republic Slovenia Insitut of Employment (hereinafter: RSIE). We linked the problem of youth unemployment with integration into entrepreneurship. We studied the factors of unemployed of young people and inclusive entrepreneurship. The survey involved 100 unemployed young people in the age group from 15 to 35 years. They independently fulfilled the questionnaire in written form or online. The data was then processed with the SPSS program. We have found that most of the young people who are studying at the same time also work as students, but they do not gain enough experience, because they do not work in their profession (the direction of their education). Although we surveyed unemployed young people, there is a large proportion of those who are unemployed long-term (12 to 23 months). As they do not have a job, they get their social security provided with the help of parents/relatives/friends or apply for financial social assistance. There are also a lot of people doing undeclared work. Despite the large share of unemployed young people, less than half of the respondents do not think about setting up a company, since they are afraid of failure.
Secondary keywords: Employment opportunities;First job seekers;Youth unemployment;Labor market;Inclusive entrepreneurship;Student work.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: IV, 80 f., 9 f. pril.
ID: 10883929
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