magistrsko delo
Tadeja Škerl (Author), Adriana Magdovski (Mentor), Tomaž Svete (Co-mentor)


Na podlagi sistematične analize knjižnih in elektronskih virov skuša pričujoče magistrsko delo opredeliti obdobje v življenju skladatelja Edvarda Griega, čas, v katerem je komponiral lirične suite, torej, kakšni so bili vplivi, navdihi, pobude. Metodološko je magistrsko delo zasnovano na iskanju gradiva o življenju in delu Edvarda Griega ter o Norveški nasploh pa tudi nekaj o norveški ljudski glasbi. Iskanje virov zajema glasbeni zbirki Oxford Music Online in Jstor. Literaturo črpamo tudi iz Univerzitetne knjižnice Maribor in Osrednje knjižnice Celje. Analiza obstoječega poznavanja Griegovega življenja in dela je temeljila na sistematičnem pregledu biografskih in bibliografskih prispevkov ter člankov o življenju in delu Edvarda Griega. Drugi del analize obsega dela o liričnih suitah Edvarda Griega ter njihovo analizo, ki se dotika harmonije in oblikoslovja. Magistrsko delo namenja poseben poudarek analizi liričnih suit Edvarda Griega v harmonskem, oblikoslovnem in pianističnem smislu. Prikaže kompozicijsko teoretski in idejni pomen izbranih liričnih suit Edvarda Griega in jih poveže tudi z Norveško in njeno ljudsko glasbo.


magistrska dela;lirične suite;glasba za klavir;analiza liričnih suit;značilnosti norveške ljudske glasbe;Grieg;Edvard;1843-1907;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Škerl]
UDC: 78.083.1Grieg E.(043.2)
COBISS: 23662088 Link will open in a new window
Views: 885
Downloads: 63
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: An analysis of the selected lyrical suites of Edward Grieg
Secondary abstract: On the basis of a systematic paper and electronic resource analysis, the present work attempts to define a period in the life of the composer Edvard Grieg, in which he composed lyric suits, and determine his influences and inspiration. The methodological part of this paper is based on researching Edvard Grieg's life, his work, the Norway in general and some on Norwegian folk music. Resources are provided from the musical collection Oxford Music Online and Jstor. Some of the literature is also provided from the libraries Univerzitetna knjižnica Maribor and Osrednja knjižnica Celje. An analysis of the existing knowledge of Grieg's life and his work is based on a systematic review of biographical and bibliographical contributions and articles on Life and work of Edvard Grieg (Življenje in delo Edvarda Griega). The second part presents the work of Edvard Grieg, namely his lyric suits and their analysis, with the emphasis on harmony in morphology. The master thesis places special emphasis on the analysis of Edvard Grieg's lyrical suits in the harmonic, morphological and pianistic sense. The paper displays the theoretical composition in the conceptual meaning of the selected Edward Grieg's lyrical suits and also connects them with Norway and its folk music.
Secondary keywords: master theses;lyrical suites;piano music;lyric suite analysis;features of Norwegian folk music;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za glasbo
Pages: 58 f., [42] f. pril.
ID: 10884410