magistrsko delo Organizacija in management informacijskih sistemov


Procesni center izvaja storitve procesiranja transakcij s plačilnimi karticami s pomočjo namenske avtorizacijske aplikacije. Za izvajanje teh storitev ima procesni center s svojimi strankami sklenjene dogovore o nivoju storitev (SLA). Poročila o izpolnjevanju SLA zahtev za te storitve se v procesnem centru izdelajo enkrat mesečno za pretekli mesec, nakar se poročilo o njihovem izpolnjevanju pošlje stranki. V kolikor po krivdi procesnega centra SLA zahteve niso dosežene, se to razume kot nerazpoložljivost storitve, kar ima za procesni center finančne posledice kakor tudi izgubo ugleda. Težava je v tem, da z obstoječim načinom dela pridobi procesni center informacije o doseganju SLA zahtev in posledično o razpoložljivosti posameznih storitev za pretekli mesec šele konec meseca, kar onemogoča hitro ukrepanje v primeru nedoseganja le-teh. Namen magistrskega dela je obstoječe procese prenoviti tako, da bo omogočeno »online« spremljanje doseganje SLA zahtev za storitve, ki se izvajajo spomočjo avtorizacijske aplikacije. Ker je procesiranje kartičnih transakcij široko področje, smo se v nalogi omejili na tri storitve avtorizacijske aplikacije, in sicer: - izvajanje vmesniških procesov do bank in drugih procesnih centrov - proces osveževanja datotek v bazi avtorizacijske aplikacije - spremljanje odzivnih časov bank na avtorizacijske zahtevke Z uvedbo »online« spremljanja doseganja SLA zahtev pridobimo možnost preventivnega ukrepanja ob ugotovljenem odstopanju od zahtev, določenih v SLA. Preventivni ukrepi se odražajo v boljši razpoložljivosti storitev procesnega centra, kar pripomore k večji učinkovitosti in boljšemu ugledu procesnega centra. Poleg tega se lahko sprotne informacije o doseganju SLA zahtev koristno uporabijo pri sklepanju novih ali spremembah obstoječih dogovorov SLA.


razpoložljivost storitev;spremljanje razpoložljivosti;plačilne kartice;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [A. Černilogar]
UDC: 005.9
COBISS: 7985939 Link will open in a new window
Views: 727
Downloads: 97
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Reengineering of availability monitoring system for processing of payment card transactions
Secondary abstract: The processing center carries out payment card processing services through a dedicated authorization application. The processing center has signed a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with its clients. Reports on completing the SLA requirements for these services are generated once a month for the previous month, after which the report on their fulfillment is sent to the client. If requirements are not met by the processing center fault, this is understood as an unavailability of the service, which has financial consequences for the processing center as well as loss of reputation. Through the existing workflow, the processing center acquires information on the achievement of SLA requirements and the availability of individual services for the previous month at the end of the month, which prevents quick action in case of failure to reach them. The purpose of the master's thesis is to redefine workflow and establish "online" monitoring of SLA requirements of authorization application services. Since the processing of payment card transactions is a wide area, we have limited our work to three authorization application services: - authorization application interface processes - authorization application refresh processes - monitoring response times of authorization requests, sent to customers With the introduction of "online" monitoring of the SLA requirements, we obtain the possibility of preventive action in case of a deviation from the requirements as they are set in the SLA. Preventive measures are reflected in the better availability of authorization application services, which contributes to greater efficiency and better reputation of the processing center. In addition, detailed information on how well are we meeting our SLA requirements can be used in concluding new or modifying existing SLA arrangements.
Secondary keywords: service availability;service availability monitoring;payment cards;transaction processing;service level agreement (SLA);
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 97 f.
ID: 10886656
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