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Jana Hrnčič (Author), Bruno Završnik (Mentor)


Predmet raziskave so poslovna pogajanja s skandinavskimi partnerji. Predstavili smo faze procesa poslovnih pogajanj, pogajalske pristope, v smislu strategije, tehnik in taktik pogajanj, predstavili tudi kulturo, kot pomemben dejavnik uspešnosti pogajanj ter podrobneje predstavili vse štiri skandinavske države. Študija je nastala v okviru raziskave poslovnih pogajanj s skandinavskimi partnerji v srednje velikem slovenskem podjetju X, ki uspešno posluje na mednarodnih trgih, tudi na skandinavskih. Z rezultati smo poudarili pomembnost procesa priprav na poslovna pogajanja, ki predstavljajo 90% uspeha na pogajanjih ter poznavanje in razumevanje kulturnih razlik v poslovnem svetu. Nepoznavanje navad in običajev tujih poslovnih partnerjev lahko povzroči nesporazume, nelagodje, napačno usmerjenost in napačno interpretacijo sporočil, ki negativno vplivajo na rezultate pogajanj. Kultura posameznikov pa vpliva tudi na pogajalski slog oziroma način, kako se mednarodni pogajalci iz različni okolij obnašajo med pogajanji. Skandinavski slog pogajanj ne izstopa premočno, a ima vseeno posebnosti, katerih poznavanje pri pogajanjih prinese veliko prednost.


poslovna pogajanja;pogajalski stili;kulturne razlike;medkulturna komunikacija;medkulturna pogajanja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [J. Part]
UDC: 005.574:316.7(043.2)
COBISS: 12991772 Link will open in a new window
Views: 901
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Business negotiations with Scandinavian partners
Secondary abstract: The subject of the survey is business negotiations with Scandinavian partners. We presented phases of the process of business negotiations, negotiation approaches, in terms of strategy, techniques and tactics, culture as an important factor for negotiations success and all four Scandinavian countries. The study is based on analysis of business negotiations with Scandinavian partners in the medium-sized Slovenian company X, working internationally, with significant share on Scandinavian market. The results of survey highlighted the importance of preparation for business negotiations, presenting 90% of the success in the negotiations, as well as the knowledge and understanding of cultural differences in the business world. Ignoring habits and customs of foreign business partners can lead to misunderstandings, discomfort, misconception and misinterpretation of messages, which can have a negative impact on the results of the negotiations. The culture of individuals also influences the negotiating style or the way in which international negotiators from different environments behave during the negotiation process. The Scandinavian style of negotiation does not stand out too much, but it still has some special features and recognition of those, can bring great advantage.
Secondary keywords: Business negotiations;negotiation approaches;cultural differences;Scandinavian negotiation style;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: V, 76 str.
ID: 10888893