diplomsko delo


Sodelovanje med vrtcem in družino je zelo pomembno za vse sodelujoče – otroka, vzgojitelje in starše. Odnos med starši in vzgojitelji mora temeljiti na sprotni komunikaciji, zaupanju, spoštovanju, dogovarjanju, strpnosti in enakovrednosti ter stremiti k skupnemu cilju. Vrtec staršem nudi pomoč pri vzgoji in razvoju otroka ter dopolnjuje družinsko vzgojo, ne more pa je nadomestiti. Odgovornost za medsebojni odnos nosita tako vrtec; kot tudi družina otroka. V teoretičnem delu sem opisala pojem subjektivne teorije, stališča in pričakovanja vzgojiteljev predšolskih otrok. V nadaljevanju sem predstavila pomen sodelovanja med vrtcem in družino ter vrste sodelovanja. Posebej sem se posvetila sodelovanju vzgojitelja s starši v uvajalnem obdobju, na koncu pa komunikaciji med vzgojitelji in starši. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave, v kateri so sodelovali vzgojitelji dveh vrtcev. Želela sem izvedeti, kakšne izkušnje imajo vzgojitelji pri sodelovanju s starši, kakšna so njihova stališča do staršev, kaj vzgojitelji od njih pričakujejo glede medsebojnih odnosov in komunikacije, še posebej v uvajalnem obdobju. Zanimalo me je tudi, kako si vzgojitelji razlagajo besedo partnerstvo. Ugotovila sem, da imajo vzgojitelji visoka pričakovanja do staršev v uvajalnem obdobju, pri komunikaciji in medsebojnem odnosu. Različna pričakovanja pa imajo glede aktivnega vključevanja staršev v pedagoško delo v oddelku. S starši imajo vzgojitelji, vključeni v raziskavo, v veliki večini pozitivne izkušnje, saj medsebojno sodelovanje označujejo kot uspešno. Njihova stališča do staršev pa so tako pozitivna kot tudi negativna. Partnerstvo v veliki večini opisujejo kot sodelovanje, pomoč, dopolnjevanje, profesionalen odnos, zaupanje in primerna komunikacija.


sodelovanje med vrtcem in starši;partnerstvo;subjektivne teorije vzgojiteljev;predšolska vzgoja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [P. Cimermančič]
UDC: 373.2(043.2)
COBISS: 11873353 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1048
Downloads: 127
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Preschool teachers expectations to children's parents.
Secondary abstract: It is important for everybody involved – the child, the kindergarten teachers and the parents that kindergarten and family cooperate. It is also important that the relationship between parents and kindergarten teachersis based on regular communication, collaboration, trust, respect, tolerance and equality. Furthermore, all parties involved aim for a common goal. Kindergarten provides help for parents with child upbringing and development. It also complements family upbringing but it cannot replace it. Mutual relationship is therefore responsibility of both parties involved – the family and kindergarten. The theorethical part of my diploma thesis describes the idea of subjective theory, the perspective and the expectations that kindergarten teachers of pre-school children have. The imporatnce of cooperation between family and kinergarten as well as its forms are also described. A special focus is on cooperation between parents and kindergarten in the introductory period. Towards the end, my thesis focuses on communication between kindergarten teachers and parents. The empirical part of my thesis shows the results of a survey conducted among teachers of two different kindergartens. The aims were to determine the kind of experience kindergarten teachers gain from working with parents, the perspective they have on parents and what expectations of mutual communication kindergarten teachers hold, especially in the introductory period. The understanding of the word »partnership« was also the subject of the survey. In the conclusion, it is suggested that kindergarten teachers in the introductory period have high expectations regarding parents, their communication and mutual relationship. However, exepctations differ when it comes to parents being actively involved in pedagogical work of a childcare unit. Most kindergarten teachers involved in the survey have good experience. They perceive their cooperation as successful. Their perspective of parents varies. Partnership is mostlydefined as cooperation, help, support, professional attitude, trust and appropriate communication.
Secondary keywords: nursery school;parents;training personnel;vrtec;starši;vzgojitelji;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 48 str.
ID: 10889612