magistrsko delo
Zavedanje o pomembnosti zadovoljstva zaposlenih z delom se pri delodajalcu po navadi pojavi šele takrat, ko pride do menjave kadra oz. prostovoljnega odhoda kadra iz podjetja. Z vidika zaposlenega je prav zadovoljstvo z delom tisti glavni razlog, ki ga ne samo zadrži pri podjetju, ampak tudi motivira k ustvarjalnosti, novim idejam, spodbuja njegovo pripadnost in lojalnost ter ga nasploh naredi dragocenega (delavca). Z vidika delodajalca je to največ, kar si ta lahko želi za svoje podjetje in k čemur mora stremeti, če si želi dolgoročnega uspeha. Ker je torej zadovoljstvo z delom obojestransko zaželeno, bi moralo biti njegovo zagotavljanje ustaljena praksa podjetij. Na podlagi podatkov, pridobljenih z rednim merjenjem zadovoljstva zaposlenih se tako izvaja upravljanje zadovoljstva, katerega rezultat bodo zadovoljni zaposleni in s tem boljši poslovni rezultati ter konkurenčnost podjetja.
Magistrska naloga se v prvem – teoretičnem delu poleg opisa osnovnih pojmov dotakne še teorij, povezanih z zadovoljstvom z delom, razsežnosti zadovoljstva ter njegovega vpliva. Nadalje se v nalogi pojasnita merjenje in upravljanje zadovoljstva ter izpostavi pomembnost organizacijske kulture in klime ter motivacije.
V empiričnem delu naloge je opisana primarna statistična analiza, anketa izpeljana s pomočjo spletnega orodja 1ka. Ugotavlja se zadovoljstvo zaposlenih v odvetniški pisarni, in sicer na delovnem mestu »tajnica«. Poleg splošnega zadovoljstva se meri še zadovoljstvo s plačo, delovnim časom, delovnimi pogoji in zadovoljstvo z nadrejenimi/sodelavci, pa tudi ocena varnosti zaposlitve, ocena lastnega dela ter ocena uspešnosti pisarne.
Zadnji del magistrske naloge vsebuje povzetek rezultatov raziskave skupaj s pomanjkljivostmi, njihovo interpretacijo ter odgovore na postavljena raziskovalna vprašanja.
Poleg dejstva, da so tajnice v odvetniških pisarnah na splošno zadovoljne s svojo zaposlitvijo, je pomemben še izsledek raziskave, da na to njihovo (splošno) zadovoljstvo najbolj vplivata zadovoljstvo z nadrejenimi ter zadovoljstvo s sodelavci. Za tajnice v odvetniških pisarnah so torej najbolj bistveni medosebni odnosi na delovnem mestu. Zanimiv je tudi rezultat raziskave, da tajnice, ki so zaposlene za nedoločen čas, svoje zaposlitve ne smatrajo za (bolj) »varno« v primerjavi s tistimi, ki so zaposlene za določen čas ali po pogodbi.
delo;zadovoljstvo z delom;organizacijska kultura;organizacijska klima;motivacija;magistrska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2017 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice |
Publisher: |
[T. Barle] |
UDC: |
005.32:331.101.32 (043.2) |
Views: |
1214 |
Downloads: |
231 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Zadovoljstvo z delom |
Secondary abstract: |
Awareness on the importance of employee satisfaction with the work they do for their employer usually becomes apparent only when either a change in staff or a voluntary resignation of staff takes place. From the perspective of the employee, it is exactly employee satisfaction that plays the main role in not only retaining that same employee within the company but also in motivating the employee to be creative and bring forward new ideas, at the same time encouraging the employee's sense of belonging to and being loyal to the company, thus making the employee generally valuable for and valued by the company. On the other hand, from the employer's perspective such an employee represents the maximum of what the employer looks for in an employee for the company and what the employer should aspire to if the objective is long-term success of the company. Employee satisfaction is therefore desired by both sides and ensuring it should be a common practice in any company. By performing a regular follow-up on employee satisfaction with their work, this satisfaction is managed, the outcome of which are truly satisfied employees and with that improved both business results and corporate competitiveness.
The first part of the master thesis is theoretical and includes, besides a definition of the basic terminology, the theories connected with employee satisfaction, dimensions of employee satisfaction and the overall impact of the latter. In the continuation, the measuring methods used and the management of satisfaction are explained, and the importance of organizational culture and climate at workplace, but also motivation, revealed.
The empirical part of the thesis represents the primary statistical analysis, based on a survey performed by means of the 1ka online tool. The analysis observes the satisfaction of employees in a law firm and focuses on the position of »secretary« working in such a firm. The areas measured in the survey do not only cover payment satisfaction, but also work time satisfaction, work conditions satisfaction, satisfaction with superiors and colleagues, including an assessment of employment protection, a self-assessment and an assessment of the company's overall performance.
In the final part of the thesis, a summary of the outcome of the survey is provided together with all of its drawbacks and their respective interpretation, and with all the answers to the formulated research questions.
Apart from the fact that secretaries in law firms are generally satisfied with their jobs, another important outcome of the survey shows that their satisfaction with superiors and colleagues has the strongest impact on how satisfied secretaries are in the end with their job. The survey thus reveals that interpersonal relationships at workplace play the most important role in the satisfaction of secretaries in law firms. Another outcome of the survey that calls for attention is that the secretaries who are permanently employed do not consider their employment to be (much) safer than the jobs of those secretaries with a fixed-term or contract employment. |
Secondary keywords: |
employee job satisfaction;organizational culture and climate;motivation;human capital; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana |
Pages: |
VII, 51 str. |
ID: |
10896220 |