magistrsko delo
Hana Orešnik (Author), Tone Ravnikar (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo na podlagi virov in literature obravnava položaj Judov v medsebojnem odnosu s kristjani v srednjeveški Evropi ter predstavlja sobivanje Judov, kristjanov in muslimanov pod krščansko vladavino na Iberskem polotoku. Prve naselbine Judov tako v Evropi, kot na Slovenskem najdemo že v času antike, vendar pa so stalne naselbine začele nastajati pozneje, v srednjeveškem obdobju. Judje so se naseljevali ob trgovskih poteh, ki so potekale mimo vseh večjih krajev po Evropi. Za časa naselitve v evropskem prostoru so imeli Judje določene privilegije, ki so se razlikovali od države in vladarja, pri čemer je zmotno mišljenje, da so bili Judje vedno v slabšem položaju v primerjavi kristjani, saj so imeli v mnogokaterem kraju zaščito vladarja, ki je kristjani niso bili deležni. Judje so bili v primerjavi s kristjani bolj izobraženi, mnogo več jih je bilo tudi pismenih, navzven pa niso veliko odstopali, saj je bila sestava njihove družine podobna krščanskim, vendar pa so judovske ženske imele dosti večjo vlogo tako v družini kot pri poslovanju kot krščanske ženske. Judje, ki so v času srednjega veka živeli po evropskih mestih in vaseh se tako niso veliko razlikovali od kristjanov, imeli so le svoja verska prepričanja, obrede in navade, ki so bila drugačna od krščanskih, zaradi česar so na njih mnogokrat gledali z viška in čeprav njihova dejanja niso bila sporna, se je do njih razvilo sovraštvo tako imenovano krščanski antijudaizem, ki ima zametke kasnejšega antisemitizma. Zaradi drugačnosti vere so jih mnogokrat skušali spreobrniti v krščansko vero, če pa so ostali zvesti svoji veri, so jih vladarji izgnali iz svojega ozemlja, kar se je v srednjem veku začelo z izgonom iz Anglije konec 13. stoletja, čemur so sledili izgoni iz drugih evropskih imperijev.


magistrska dela;Judje;kristjani;muslimani;srednji vek;Evropa;Iberski polotok;krščanski antijudaizem;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [H. Orešnik]
UDC: 94(4)"0375/1492"(043.2)
COBISS: 23628552 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1155
Downloads: 145
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂrealtions [!] between Jews and Christians in Medieval Europe
Secondary abstract: Master thesis, based on sources and literature, deals with the position of Jews in their interaction with Christians in medieval Europe and represents the coexistence of Jews, Christians, and Muslims under Christian rule on the Iberian Peninsula. First Jewish settlements in Europe were built during antiquity; however, permanent settlements were built later during the Middle Ages. The Jews settled along the trade routes that passed through all the major places in Europe. During the settlement period in Europe, the Jews had certain privileges, which differed from the state or the ruler. The misconception is that the Jews were always in a worse position in comparison to Christians; oftentimes, they had the protection of the ruler, which the Christians had not. Jews were, in comparison to the Christians, more educated and literate. On the outside they did not differ drastically from the Christians because they had a similar family structure; however, the Jewish women had a bigger role in the family itself as well as in the business. Jews that lived in European cities and villages during the Middle Ages were not that different from Christians, the only difference were their religious beliefs, rituals, and habits and because of that they were frowned upon and even though their actions were not controversial they sparked so-called Christian anti-Judaism, which later transformed into antisemitism. Because of their different religion, they often tried to convert them to the Christian faith and if they stayed faithful to their own region, they were banished. This began at the end of 13th century with the big expulsion from England, followed by expulsions from other European empires.
Secondary keywords: master theses;Jews;Christians;Muslims;Middle Ages;Europe;Iberian Peninsula;Christian anti-Judaism;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino
Pages: II, 85 f.
ID: 10897374
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