diplomsko delo
Mojca Kogoj (Author), Zlatka Cugmas (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu smo proučevali vlogo starih staršev pri negi, vzgoji in razvoju predšolskega otroka. Temeljni cilj je ugotoviti vključenost starih staršev v življenje in razvoj njihovega predšolskega vnuka oziroma vnukinje. Stari starši v otrokovem življenju igrajo določeno vlogo, ki se skozi otrokov razvoj in odraščanje spreminja. Prva vloga starega starša je vloga negovalca, ko je otrok še dojenček. Kasneje se vloge spreminjajo glede na odnos med starim staršem in otrokom. Teoretični del dela je osredotočen na posamezna področja otrokovega razvoja (telesni, spoznavni, gibalni, čustveni, socialni ter razvoj risbe in igre), v empiričnem delu smo preverjali, kakšno vlogo imajo stari starši pri razvoju predšolskega otroka. Oblikovali smo anketni vprašalnik zaprtega tipa, ki obsega dejavnosti vseh področij otrokovega razvoja, z ocenjevalno lestvico, kako pogosto se stari starši v določeno dejavnost vključujejo. 400 anketnih vprašalnikov smo razdelili po različnih vrtcih po Sloveniji (Deskle, Nova Gorica, Ljubljana, Maribor, Ruše, Bistrica ob Dravi, Braslovče), in sicer v skupinah otrok druge starostne stopnje. Veljavnih vrnjenih vprašalnikov smo prejeli 261. Od tega jih je vprašalnik rešilo 34,4 % starih očetov in 65,5 % starih mam. Podatki so bili obdelani glede na spol, starost in zaposlitev starih staršev ter tabelarično prikazani in interpretirani. Ugotovili smo, da obstajajo razlike v vključenosti starih staršev glede na spol starega starša, saj so stare mame v nego in vzgojo vnukov vključene bistveno več kakor stari očetje. Prav tako obstajajo razlike med starimi starši, ki so mlajši od 60 let, in starimi starši, ki so starejši. Mlajši so v nego in vzgojo vnukov vključeni bistveno več. V primeru zaposlitve starega starša pa je bila statistično značilna razlika v primeru petih dejavnosti, v katerih se ne opazimo bistvene razlike glede zaposlitve starega starša ter njegove vključenosti v nego in vzgojo vnukov.


diplomska dela;vnuki;vnukinje;stari starši;razvoj;predšolski otroci;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Kogoj]
UDC: 159.922.7:316.362.1-055.53-055.63(043.2)
COBISS: 23708936 Link will open in a new window
Views: 920
Downloads: 185
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Role of grandparents in the development of the preschool child
Secondary abstract: The thesis examined the role of grandparents in care, education and development of a preschool child. The fundamental objective was to determine how involved grandparents are in life and development of their preschool grandchildren, as grandparents play a certain role in their lives that changes throughout the child's development and growing up. When the child is a baby, the first role of a grandparent is that of a carer. Later on, the roles change depending on their relationship. The theoretical part of the thesis focused on the specific areas of the child's development (physical, cognitive, motor, emotional, and social development, and the development of drawing abilities and play), whereas the empirical part researched the role of grandparents in the development of a preschool child. A closed-ended survey questionnaire, which comprises the activities covering all areas of the child's development along with a rating scale assessing how frequently grandparents engage in certain activities, was designed for this purpose. 400 survey questionnaires were distributed in different kindergartens across Slovenia (in Deskle, Nova Gorica, Ljubljana, Maribor, Ruše, Bistrica ob Dravi, and Braslovče) to the grandparents of children in the second age group. Grandparents submitted 261 valid questionnaires, 34,4 % of which were completed by grandfathers and 65,5 by grandmothers. The data was broken down by gender, age and employment of grandparents, provided in a table and interpreted. It was found that there are differences regarding the inclusion of grandparents in terms of gender, as grandmothers are significantly more often engaged in the care and education of grandchildren than grandparents. There are also differences between grandparents under the age of 60 than those who are older, as younger grandparents are more often involved in the care and education of their grandchildren. However, in situations where one grandparent is still employed, there was a statistically significant difference in the case of five activities, where there were no major differences regarding the employment of one grandparent and their inclusion in the care and education of grandchildren.
Secondary keywords: theses;grandsons;granddaughters;grandparents;development;preschool children;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: 60 f., [4] f. pril.
ID: 10904377