magistrsko delo
Dorian Šipoš (Author), Nande Korpnik (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo z naslovom Hiša kulture Celje se osredotoča na zasnovo novega kulturnega središča na zgodovinsko pomembni lokaciji v Celju, kjer je nekoč stala ikona celjske industrijske arhitekture, in sicer Rakuschev mlin. Obravnavana lokacija, ki na severni strani meji na trgovinsko središče in na jugozahodni stran na železniško progo, za katero sta Fakulteta za logistiko in velik parkirni prostor, je trenutno neurejena in zapuščena. Lokacija je zelo vpadljiva, ker je vzhodno od parcele velika Mariborska cesta, na severni strani pa Kidričeva ulica. Lokacija ima zaradi prostorskega položaja in zgodovinskega značaja velik potencial, zaradi česar je ureditev te lokacije izrednega pomena. Zasnova novega objekta je pomembna za mesto, ker ustvarja nov kulturni center, ki lahko obeležuje različne kulturne dogodke na enem mestu. Programsko se zasnova novega objekta popolnoma razlikuje od nekdanjega objekta, ki je več kot sto let bil samo v službi industrije, medtem ko je bil leta 2002 proglašen za kulturni spomenik in 12 let kasneje, po velikem požaru v celoti porušen.


Hiša kulture Celje;arhitektura;arhitekturna zasnova;Rakuschev mlin;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [D. Šipoš]
UDC: 347.787:725(043.2)
COBISS: 21414166 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1128
Downloads: 424
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: House of culture Celje
Secondary abstract: This Master Thesis entitled Celje House of Culture focuses on designing a new cultural centre in an important historical location in Celje, where once stood the icon of the Celje industrial architecture, Rakusch Mill. This location, flanked on the North side by a shopping centre, and on the South-West side by a railway and the Faculty of Logistics, opening up to a big parking space, is completely derelict and neglected. It is also very interesting because it opens to a busy Maribor street to the East, and to the Kidriceva street to the North. Owing to its location and historical significance, the site has a strong potential, and its development is very important for the entire city, not least because it establishes a new culture centre, which can host various cultural events in one place. The new building has a completely different purpose from the previous one, which was intended for industrial use only, although in 2002 it was declared a cultural monument, only to be completely destroyed in fire in 2012.
Secondary keywords: House of culture Celje;architecture;architecture design;Rakusch Mill;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo, Arhitektura
Pages: VII, 76 f.
ID: 10904766
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