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Janja Muzel (Author), Goran Vižintin (Mentor)


Georadar je geofizikalna metoda, ki jo uporabljamo za raziskovanje naravnih in umetnih struktur in nima negativnega vpliva na okolico. Metoda temelji na oddajanju pulzov elektromagnetnega valovanja v tla z oddajno anteno. Valovi se odbijajo od različnih struktur ali geoloških mej in se vračajo na površje, kjer jih zazna sprejemna antena. Meritve se zapisujejo na kontrolni enoti – računalniku v obliki radargrama. Terenske meritve v Renkovcih smo opravili z georadarsko opremo proizvajalca Mala GS, ki jo sestavljajo kontrolna enota ProEx, nahrbtnik, nezaščitena (»unshielded«) 50 MHz RTA antena, zaščitena (»shielded«) 250 MHz antena, računalnik, mrežni kabel, merilec razdalje z vrvico in merilno kolo. Za določitev začetne in končne točke vsakega profila smo uporabili ročni GPS. Renkovci se nahajajo na območju Murskega in Ravenskega polja, kjer najdemo na površini plast gozdne in močvirske meljaste gline s prodniki, ki prekriva prodno peščene plasti – murski prod debeline do 40 m. Radargrame, pridobljene s terenskih meritev, smo obdelali v programu ReflexW. Iz rezultatov meritev z 250 MHz RTA anteno smo uspešno določili gladino podzemne vode. Rezultate smo primerjali z rezultati georadarskih meritev Marjane Zajc v Zgornji Radovni, ki je prav tako uspešno določila gladino podzemne vode s 50 MHz anteno.


podzemna voda;georadar;Renkovci;ReflexW;radargram;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Publisher: [J. Muzel]
UDC: 556.3
COBISS: 1697631 Link will open in a new window
Views: 935
Downloads: 296
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Measurements of groundwater levels in the gravelly sand sediments of Mura and Ravensko fields with ground penetrating radar
Secondary abstract: Georadar is a geophysical method used to explore natural and artificial structures and has no negative impact on the environment. The method is based on emitting pulses of electromagnetic waves into the ground with a transmitting antenna. Waves deflect from different structures or geological boundaries and return to the surface where they are detected by the receiving antenna. Measurements are recorded on the control unit - a computer in form of a radargram. Field measurements in Renkovci were carried out with equipment designed by manufacturer Mala GS, which consists of a ProEx control unit, a backpack, an unshielded 50 MHz RTA antenna, a shielded 250 MHz antenna, a computer, a network cable, a hip-chain distance meter and a measuring wheel. Manual GPS was used to determine the start and end point of each profile. Renkovci are located in the area of Mursko and Ravensko fields, where layer of clay with pebbles is found on the surface, and covers up to 40 m thick layer of gravelly sand sediments. Radargrams obtained from field measurements were processed in program called ReflexW. We successfully determined groundwater level, from the results of measurements with a 250 MHz RTA antenna. The results were compared with the results of the measurements of Marjana Zajc in Zgornja Radovna, which also successfully determined groundwater level with a 50 MHz antenna.
Secondary keywords: ground water;ground penetrating radar;Renkovci;ReflexW;radargram;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Naravoslovnotehniška fak., Oddelek za geotehnologijo, rudarstvo in okolje
Pages: VI, 29 f.
ID: 10909733