(magistrsko diplomsko delo)
Mariša Golob (Author), Erik Kerševan (Mentor)


Odprava in razveljavitev odločbe po nadzorstveni pravici je izredno pravno sredstvo upravnega postopka, urejeno v določbah 274., 275., 276. in 277. člena Zakona o splošnem upravnem postopku . Začet po uradni dolžnosti ali na zahtevo legitimirane osebe ta institut predstavlja hierarhični nadzor pristojnega višjega organa nad zakonitostjo nižjega organa. Izrednemu pravnemu sredstvu, prvič uvedenemu leta 1956 , so novele in leta uporabe v praksi prinesle več slabih kot dobrih vsebinskih sprememb in s tem pustile mnogo odprtih vprašanj (npr.: Zakaj se lahko postopek za uporabo instituta, prvotno ustvarjenega z namenom, da predstavlja lastno varovalko upravnim organom, sedaj začne tudi na zahtevo stranke? Ali je sredstvo dovoljeno, če je pristojni organ predhodno že odločal o pritožbi? In drugih). Te spremembe sem v nalogi s pomočjo obsežne sodne prakse temeljito analizirala in prišla do zaključka, da ta institut, ki pristojnemu (višjemu) organu omogoča nadzor nad zakonitostjo dokončnih odločb, izdanih v upravnem postopku na prvi ali drugi stopnji, to pravno področje vsekakor potrebuje, a ob temeljiti prenovi in z njo vrnitvi k namenu s katerim je bil ta institut prvotno uveden.


upravno pravo;upravni postopek;izredna pravna sredstva;nadzor;institut;zakonitost;sodna praksa;magistrske diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [M. Golob]
UDC: 342.9(043.2)
COBISS: 15788881 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1837
Downloads: 322
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The development and use of the supervisory right in the administrative procedure
Secondary abstract: A withdrawal and annulment of a decision under the right of scrutiny is an extraordinary legal remedy of an administrative procedure, regulated by provisions of Articles 274, 275, 276, and 277 of the General Administrative Procedure Act . This institution is a hierarchical control of the designated higher authority over the legality of a lower authority and can be opened by official capacity or a legitimate person. This extraordinary legal remedy was first initiated in 1956 . Amending acts and years of application brought more bad alterations than good, including many unanswered questions, such as “Why can the procedure to open the institution begin by request of a party member if it was created as a safety catch for the administrative authority?” or “Is this measure legal if the designated authority had made its decision about the complaint at an earlier time?” etc. In this thesis, we thoroughly analysed these questions with the help of case law. We discovered that this institution, which allows a designated higher authority to supervise the legality of final decisions issued in the first or second instance, is necessary but would need to be carefully reformulated to serve the purpose for which the institution was originally designated.
Secondary keywords: administrative law;administrative procedure;extraordinary legal remedies;supervision;institution;legality;case law;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: 42 f.
ID: 10909786