pregled literature
Urška Oprčkal (Author), Darja Ovijač (Reviewer), Darja Thaler (Mentor)


Uvod: Usmeriti pozornost v sedanjost, so besede, ki čuječnost najbolje definirajo. Čuječnost je holističen pristop k človeku in izboljša delovanje človekovih funkcij. Izgorelost je zelo pomemben simptom, ki ga povzroča mnogo dejavnikov na delovnem mestu. Čuječnost je potencialni način za lažjo edukacijo v zdravstvu, boljše rezultate v praksi ter za izboljšave na raziskovalnih področjih. Namen: Predstaviti čuječnost kot pristop za preprečevanje izgorevanja v zdravstveni negi. Metode dela: Pregled strokovne in znanstvene literature, objavljene v angleščini, izdane v letih 2009−2017. Članki so bili izbrani glede na ključne besede, izključili pa smo povezave z religijo in zdravljenjem že prisotnih bolezni. Pregledali smo jih s kvalitativno analizo. Rezultati: Intervencija s čuječnostjo bi lahko bila ključ za izboljšanje spopadanja s stresom in boljšo kvaliteto zdravstvene oskrbe. Čuječnost nas varuje pred negativnimi vplivi stresnih situacij, s čimer se zmanjša verjetnost za razvoj sindroma izgorelosti. Razprava in sklep: Čuječnost je lahko osrednja pot med zdravstveno nego, ki ima v ospredju medsebojne odnose ter holistično oskrbo pacientov in z dokazi podprto medicino. Velik problem te intervencije so neustrezni prostori, ki so za kvaliteto treninga velikega pomena. Vnos čuječnosti v izobraževanje in prakso lahko doprinese razvoj prisotnosti v sedanjosti iz zgolj teoretičnega vidika na človeški, holističen vidik. Čuječnost lahko pomaga izboljšati notranje ter zunanje doživljanje in izkušnje, povečati prepoznavnost ukrepov in stališč ob danem trenutku in omogoča zaposlenim osebne odnose in boljšo poklicno storilnost.


diplomska dela;zdravstvena nega;čuječnost;zdravstveni delavci;izgorelost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [U. Oprčkal]
UDC: 616-083
COBISS: 5329771 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1413
Downloads: 427
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Mindfulness to approach burnout in nursing
Secondary abstract: Introduction: To direct attention to the present, are words that best define mindfulness. Mindfulness is a holistic approach to person and improves the functioning of human functions. Burnout is a very important symptom that is caused by many factors in the workplace. Mindfulness is a potential way to facilitate education in nursing, better results in practice, and improvement in research areas. Aims: Introduce curiosity as an approach to preventing burnout in nursing. Methods: A review of professional and scientific literature published published in 2009-2017 in English language. The articles were selected according to the key words, but we excluded links with religion and the treatment of already present diseases. We examined them with a qualitative analysis. Results: Intervention with mindfulness could be the key to improving coping with stress and improving the quality of nursing. Mildness protects us against the negative effects of stressful situations, thereby reducing the likelihood of developing a burnout syndrome. Conclusion: Mindfulness can be the central pathway between nursing, which has in the forefront of mutual relations and holistic treatment of patients and evidence-based medicine. The major problem of this intervention are inadequate spaces, which are of great importance for the quality of training. Entry mindfulness into education and practice can contribute to the development of the presence in the present from a purely theoretical point of view on the human, holistic aspect. Mindfulness can help improve inner and outer experience and experiences, increase visibility of actions and positions at a given moment, and enable employees' personal relationships and better professional productivity.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;nursing care;mindfulness;health workers;burnout;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Dipl. delo (bolonjski študij), Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego
Pages: 33 str.
ID: 10909791