diplomska naloga
V diplomski nalogi obravnavam rezultate energetskih izkaznic pred in po prenovi eno in večstanovanjskih stavb na podlagi dveh izbranih analiz. Pri prvi analizi proučujem vpliv spremembe debeline toplotne izolacije (oziroma njeno dodajanje v primerih, kjer manjka), pri drugi pa vpliv spremembe orientacije stavbe na letno potrebno toploto za ogrevanje stavbe QNH. Pri prvi analizi predpostavljam stanje pri katerem dodajam toplotno izolacijo (maksimalno do debeline 20 cm) le na zunanje stene stavbnega ovoja napram zunanjosti. Na podlagi rezultatov spremembe letne potrebne toplote za ogrevanje stavbe QNH se izkaže, da pri naših primerih izvedeni konstrukcijski ukrepi v povprečju trikrat bolj vplivajo na rezultate pri enostanovanjskih stavbah kot pri stanovanjih v večstanovanjskih stavbah. Prihranki pri stroških ogrevanja so pri naših primerih tako pri enostanovanjskih stavbah v povprečju celo petkrat večji. V sklopu druge analize spreminjam orientacijo stavb za 90°, 180° in 270° glede na obstoječe stanje ter ugotavljam na podlagi sprememb vrednosti QNH ali je stavba najbolj optimalno orientirana ali ne. Izkaže se, da kljub poznavanju vplivov dobitkov sončnega obsevanja, večina obravnavanih stavb še vedno ni najbolj optimalno orientirana. Prihranki pri stroških ogrevanja so pri naših primerih zaradi sprememb orientacije stavb oziroma stavbnih enot v povprečju dvakrat večji pri stanovanjih v večstanovanjskih stavbah kot pri enostanovanjskih stavbah.
gradbeništvo;diplomska naloga;UNI;B-GR;energetskai zkaznica;energetska učinkovitost stavb;enostanovanjske stavbe;večstanovanjske stavbe;energetska prenova;orientacija stavbe;stavbni ovoj;toplotne izgube;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2017 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering |
Publisher: |
[D. Štihec] |
UDC: |
699.86:728(497.4)(043.2) |
Views: |
1241 |
Downloads: |
472 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Energy performance certificate analysis before and after the renovation of one- and multi-dwelling residential buildings in the Pomurje region |
Secondary abstract: |
The thesis presents the results of energy performance certificates before and after the renovation of one- and multi-dwelling residential buildings, based on two selected analyses. The first analysis examines the impact of insulation thickness changes (or its addition where missing), while the second analysis is focused on the impact of building orientation changes on the annual heat consumption necessary for heating the building QNH. The first analysis assumes a state, where TI of maximum thickness of 20 cm is added only to the exterior walls of building envelope relative to the outside. Based on the results of the change of the annual heat consumption required for heating the building QNH, it is shown that the implemented structural measures in the present case have three times greater impact on the results of one-dwelling residential buildings than on the results of multi-dwelling residential buildings. On average, savings on heating costs are in the present case five times greater in one-dwelling residential buildings. In the second analysis, the buildings% orientation is being changed by 90°, 180° and 270° in relation to the existing situation. Based on the changes of the QNH value, it is concluded whether the building is optimally oriented or not. It is shown that most of the buildings are still not optimally oriented, despite knowledge of the effects of solar radiation gain. On average, savings on heating costs in the present case related to the changes in building orientation are twice as great in multi-dwelling residential buildings than in one-dwelling residential buildings. |
Secondary keywords: |
civil engineering;graduation thesis;energy performance certificate;the energy efficiency of buildings;one-dwelling residential buildings;multi-dwelling residential buildings;energy renovation;building orientation;the building envelope;heat loss; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo |
Pages: |
XIV, 47 str. |
ID: |
10909821 |