diplomsko delo
Nives Kozole (Author), Vanja Tajher (Author), Tina Starc (Reviewer), Helena Hribar (Mentor)


Uvod: Slikovne preiskave, kot so računalniška tomografija, magnetna resonanca in ultrazvok, so se uveljavile kot glavne metode izbora pri odkrivanju bolezni ter ugotavljanju prisotnosti, velikosti in razširjenosti tumorjev. V zdravstvu sodeluje veliko različnih zdravstvenih področij, ki se med seboj dopolnjujejo, zato smo z raziskavo želeli ugotoviti informiranost študentov zdravstvene nege in fizioterapije o nekaterih značilnostih radioloških preiskav. Namen: Preveriti poznavanje značilnosti nekaterih radioloških preiskav študentov smeri zdravstvena nega in fizioterapija. Predvidevali smo, da študentje na splošno dobro poznajo osnove radioloških preiskav in so bolje informirani o ultrazvoku, kot pa računalniški tomografiji in magnetni resonanci. Metode dela: Raziskava je bila izvedena preko spletnega portala 1ka spletne ankete. V anketni raziskavi je sodelovalo 47 študentov 3. letnika Zdravstvene fakultete v Ljubljani, in sicer 32 študentov programa zdravstvena nega ter 15 študentov programa fizioterapija. Vprašalnik je bil sestavljen iz 3 sklopov, vsak posamezni sklop se je nanašal na eno radiološko preiskavo. Vsak sklop je vseboval enakih 15 trditev zaprtega tipa, na katere so študentje odgovarjali z drži, ne drži ali ne vem. Rezultate naše raziskave smo primerjali z rezultati raziskave Chessona in sodelavcev, izvedene 2001. Rezultati: 40% anketirancev je mnenja, da se za pridobitev slike pri UZ uporablja ionizirajoče sevanje, ali pa o tem nimajo mnenja. 41% anketirancev nima mnenja ali se za pridobitev slike pri CT-ju uporablja ionizirajoče sevanje, oz. pa so mnenja, da se ionizirajoče sevanje ne uporablja. Večina anketirancev ve, da CT ni primerna preiskava za nosečnice. Dobro so seznanjeni tudi o prisotnosti hrupa v MR tomografu, 74% jih je mnenja, da je med preiskavo prisoten hrup, ki prihaja iz preiskovalne opreme. Razprava in sklep: Analiza rezultatov ankete pokaže, da so študentje sorazmerno dobro informirani o osnovah nekaterih radioloških preiskav, bolje poznajo osnove ultrazvoka kot računalniške tomografije in magnetne resonance. Smiselno bi bilo, da bi tekom študija vsaka smer imela v učnem načrtu predmet ali vsaj izbirni predmet o osnovah dela drugih izobraževalnih smeri.


diplomska dela;radiološka tehnologija;ultrazvok;računalniška tomografija;magnetna resonanca;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [N. Kozole
UDC: 616-07
COBISS: 5342827 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1340
Downloads: 884
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Knowledge of the radiological procedures of students of the health care and physiotherapy
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Imaging investigations, such as ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging have become established as valuable diagnostic tools in detecting disease processes and, in particular, establishing the presence, size and extent of tumours. In medicine, there is large number of different health areas, which complement each other. Therefore, with the research, we wanted to establish how well are students of nursing care in physiotherapy informed about some of the characteristics of radiological procedures. Purpose: To check the knowledge of some radiological procedures of students of the nursing and physiotherapy. Our hypotheses are that students generally know well the basics of radiological procedures and are better informed about ultrasound than computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Methods: The survey was carried out with the online portal 1ka. In the survey participated 47 students of the 3rd year of the Faculty of Health Sciences in Ljubljana, consisting of 32 students of the nursing program and 15 students of the physiotherapy program. The questionnaire was composed of 3 parts, each of which was related to one radiological procedure. Each part contained the same 15 closed-type statements that the students answered with 3 possible choices: true, false and do not know. The results of our research were compared with the results of the Chesson and co. research conducted in 2001. Results: 40% of respondents answered that ionizing radiation is used to obtain an image in the ultrasound or they don´t have an opinion about that. 41% of respondents have no opinion whether ionizing radiation is used to obtain a CT image or they believe that ionizing radiation is not used. The majority of respondents knows that CT is not an appropriate procedure for pregnant women. They are also well aware of the presence of noise in magnetic resonance, 74% of them know that during the procedure there is noise coming from the scanning equipment. Discussion and conclusion: The analysis of the survey shows that students are proportionally well informed about the basics of some radiological procedures. They have better knowledge of the basics of ultrasound than computed tomography and magnetic resonance. It would make sense that during the education at the faculty each study program would have an object in the curriculum on the basics of the work of other study programs.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;radiologic technology;ultrasound;computed tomography;magnetic resonance;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za radiološko tehnologijo
Pages: 18 str., [1] str. pril.
ID: 10909979