magistrsko delo
Miroslav Pavšek (Author), Anton Štrukelj (Mentor)


V nalogi avtor predstavi zakrament spovedi skozi oči mistikinje Adrienne von Speyr, cerkvenega učiteljstva po Katekizmu katoliške Cerkve, Antona Strleta, sv. Janeza Pavla II., sv. Favstine Kowalske in nekaterih drugih avtorjev. Osrednji del naloge je sestavljen iz štirinajstih delov, ki pa so ena celota. V prvem in drugem delu se avtor osredotoči na Adrienne von Speyr, ki spoved osredišči na Jezusa Kristusa, kot zgled spovedanca. V tretjem in četrtem delu avtor kratko predstavi zakrament sprave in kako je se je razvijal skozi zgodovino. V petem delu prikaže odnos Cerkve do spovedi, do spovedanca in se pri tem opira predvsem na delo sv. Janeza Pavla II. V nadaljevanju avtor predstavi dinamiko greha, kajti brez greha tudi spoved ni potrebna; tu se opira predvsem na Katekizem katoliške Cerkve. Nato obravnava temeljne drže spokornih dejanj po Antonu Strletu. V osmem in devetem delu se avtor osredotoči na svetopisemski temelj Božjega usmiljenja, pravičnosti in odpuščanja, v nadaljevanju pa spregovori o »sodišču« Božjega usmiljena po sv. Favstini Kowalski, ki zelo slikovito spregovori o spovedi. Potem predstavi, kdo je lahko delivec zakramenta spovedi in kakšni so njeni učinki. Tudi tu se opira predvsem na učiteljstvo katoliške Cerkve. V dvanajstem poglavju avtor spregovori o odpustkih, ki so bili v zgodovini zelo pereča tema, predvsem zaradi napačnega poimenovanja in razumevanja. Pri tem delu se avtor opira na Antona Strleta. V zaključku osrednjega dela pa nam avtor osvetli samo obhajanje zakramenta spovedi ter praktične napotke za dobro opravljeno spoved. Pri tem se opira predvsem na priporočila in napotke iz Katekizma. Namen dela je, da bi ponovno odkrili bogastvo zakramenta spovedi in pomembnosti le-te v našem življenju; spoved je dar, ki nam je podarjen in ni nekaj strašnega ali nepomembnega, ampak intimno, veselo srečanje z Jezusom Kristusom, ki je vir naše svobode in sreče.


spoved;zakrament;Cerkev;odnos;sprava;greh;pokora;usmiljenje;pravičnost;odpuščanje;dar;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL TEOF - Theological Faculty
Publisher: [M. Pavšek]
UDC: 27-543.7(043.2)
COBISS: 7676250 Link will open in a new window
Views: 88
Downloads: 12
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The sacrament of confession as a gift of mercy and reconciliation
Secondary abstract: The author of the given work is presenting the sacrament of confession through the eyes of mystic Adrienne von Speyr, of the Magisterium of Catholic Church, of the Catechism, Anton Strle, st. pope John Paul II., st. Faustina Kowalska, and some other authors. The central part of thesis consists of fourteen chapters, which all represent one whole. In the first and the second chapter, author focuses on Adrienne von Speyr who centered Jesus Christ as an example of confessor. In the third and fourth, author briefly presents the sacrament of reconciliation and how it has evolved throughout history. The fifth chapter shows the relationship betwen Church, confession and penitent, relying primarily on the work of pope st. John Paul II. Here the author presents the dynamics of sin, because confession itself is not required if there is no sin to be forgiven; text in this part is based mainly on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It then looks at basic postures of penitential acts as described by Anton Strle. In the eighth and ninth chapter, the author focuses on biblical foundation of God's mercy, justice and forgiveness and afterwards writes about the "court of God's mercy" as St. Faustina Kowalska, picturesquely speaks about confession. After that we come to know who can be a minister of the sacrament of confession and what its effects are. Here too, it relies primarily on the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. In the twelfth chapter the author speaks about the indulgences, a very pressing topic in the history, mainly because of an incorrect naming and understanding of this grace. At this point, the author relies on Anton Strle. In conclusion of this central part author illuminates the celebration of the sacrament of healing alone and bare practical guidance for a good confession as presented and recommended in the Catechism of Catholic Church. The purpose of the work is to rediscover the richness and importance of the sacrament of confession it in our lives. Confession is a gift donated to us and not something terrible or terrifying, but an intimate, joyful encounter with Jesus Christ, the true source of our freedom and happiness.
Secondary keywords: confession;sacrament;Church;relations;reconciliation;sin;atonement;mercy;justice;forgiveness;gift;Jezus Kristus;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Teološka fak.
Pages: VIII, 101 str.
ID: 10910189