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Lija Fajdiga (Author), Nataša Štajner (Mentor), Nataša Štajner (Thesis defence commission member), Mojca Narat (Thesis defence commission member), Polona Jamnik (Thesis defence commission member)


Škrlup je najbolj problematična bolezen jablane, ki povzroča veliko izgubo pridelka in visoke stroške za nadzor in zatiranje. Povzroča jo gliva Venturia inaequalis, na katero je občutljivih velika večina kultivarjev, gojenih po celem svetu. Nadzor v veliki meri vršimo z uporabo fungicidov, ki pa so, poleg visoke cene, škodljivi za okolje in zdravje ljudi. Velik problem je tudi v pojavljanju odpornosti patogena na vse več fungicidov. Genetska odpornost je alternativa, ki lahko zmanjša uporabo fungicidov in zagotovi dlje trajajočo odpornost, s tem pa ţeleno kvaliteto in količino pridelka. Za ţlahtnitelje so najpomembnejši vir genetske odpornosti odpornostni geni. Ker tudi odpornost, pogojeno z enim odpornostnim genom patogen precej hitro premaga, je priporočljivo vnašanje več odpornostnih genov v en kultivar, kar imenujemo piramidenje genov. Vnašanje s tradicionalnim kriţanjem je pri drevesnih rastlinskih vrstah problematično, saj je dolgotrajno in drago. Razvoj novejših pristopov, kot so selekcija ob pomoči molekulskih označevalcev in genotipizacija s sekvenciranjem, lahko postopek zelo olajša in pospeši.


odpornost rastlin;jablanov škrlup;Venturia inaqualis;genetska odpornost;žlahtnjenje rastlin;molekularno žlahtnjenje;piramidenje genov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [L. Fajdiga]
UDC: 631.524:606:632.4(043.2)
COBISS: 8812409 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1147
Downloads: 371
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Genetic resistance to apple scab (Venturia inaqualis (Cooke) G. Winter)
Secondary abstract: Scab is the most problematic disease of the apple tree that causes big losses of apple harvest and high costs of control and extermination. It is caused by a fungus Venturia inaequalis that is damaging to a majority of cultivars grown all over the world. It is controlled using fungicides that are not only expensive but also damaging for the environment and people's health. The resistance of the pathogen to more and more fungicides is also a big problem. A genetic resistance is an alternative that could reduce the use of fungicides and provide longer resistance and consequently improve the quality and quantity of the harvest. The most important source of the genetic resistance for breeders is resistance genes. The resistance conditioned by one resistance gene can be relatively easily defeated by the pathogen, therefore gene pyramiding – introduction of more resistance genes into one cultivar – is recommended. The introduction with traditional breeding is time consuming and expensive and therefore problematic for trees. The development of the inovative approaches such as marker assisted selection and genotyping by sequencing can improve and accelerate the procedure a lot.
Secondary keywords: plant resistance;apple scab;Venturia inaqualis;genetic resistance;plant breeding;molecular breeding;gene pyramiding;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Študij biotehnologije
Pages: VIII, 20 str.
ID: 10910292