diplomsko delo
Matej Sušnik (Author), Aleš Kuhar (Reviewer), Marija Klopčič (Mentor)


Namen diplomske naloge je priprava načrta za sodoben hlev za govedo na kmetiji Sušnik, z upoštevanjem standardov in priporočil iz literature. Na kmetiji Sušnik želimo urediti hlev za 30 krav molznic, mlado živino in pitance, na površinsko omejenem območju. Zato smo se v nalogi osredotočili na sistem z ležalnimi boksi za krave molznice in na sistem globokega nastilja za mlado živino. Predstavljeni so različni tipi molzišč, ki so primerni za omenjeno čredo in tudi za večje črede krav molznic. V nalogi smo predstavili tudi različne rešitve prezračevanja in različne sisteme gradnje od eno-stavbnih do več-stavbnih hlevih, kakršen bo tudi nov hlev na naši kmetiji. Poleg vsega omenjenega so v nalogi predstavljena različna funkcionalna področja v hlevu, kot so ležišča, izpust, porodni boks in boks za bolne živali, itd. Bolj podrobno so predstavljeni pomembnejši elementi ležalnih boksov, ki jih moramo upoštevati za čim večje udobje krav, prav tako pa so predstavljene prednosti polnih in rešetkastih tal v hlevih z ležalnimi boksi. Predstavljen je tudi pomen svetlobe in temperature ter na kaj je potrebno biti pozoren pri teh postavkah. V zaključku je opisan primer sodobnega novega hleva za krave molznice, mlado živino in pitance, z upoštevanjem vseh prej omenjenih parametrov.


govedo;krave molznice;mlada živina;hlevi;gradnja;Slovenija;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [M. Sušnik]
UDC: 636.2:631.22(043.2)
COBISS: 3961736 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2040
Downloads: 708
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Designing of modern barn for cattle on the farm Sušnik
Secondary abstract: The purpose of this thesis is to prepare a plan for a modern cattle barn at the farm Sušnik while taking into consideration the standards and recommendations from literature. At the Sušnik's farm we want to arrange a barn for 30 dairy cows, young cattle and fatlings on a surface limited area. For that reason we focused on the sistem of lying boxes for dairy cows and on the deep litter system for young cattle. There are presented different types of milking parlours that are suitable for mentioned herd and also for bigger herds of dairy cows. In the thesis we also presented different solutions for ventilation and different systems of building – from one-building to multi-building barns – as our barn is going to be at out farm. In addition the thesis also presents different functional areas in a barn, such as beds, a release, a calving pen and boxes for sick animals etc. More important elements of lying boxes we have to consider to enable cows to be comfortable are presented in closer detail. The advantages of full and grid floors in barns with lying boxes are also presented. The thesis also talks about the imporance of the light and temperature and the aspects we have to take into account here. At the end there is an example of a modern barn for dairy cows, young cattle and fatlings that takes into consideration all the previously mentioned parametres.
Secondary keywords: cattle;dairy cows;young cattle;barns;construction;Slovenia;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za zootehniko
Pages: VI, 24 str.
ID: 10910380