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Blaž Blažič (Author), Tinka Bačič (Reviewer), Nejc Jogan (Mentor), Nejc Jogan (Thesis defence commission member), Tinka Bačič (Thesis defence commission member), Jasna Dolenc Koce (Thesis defence commission member), Igor Dakskobler (Thesis defence commission member), Igor Dakskobler (Co-mentor)


Murke (Nigritella) so taksonomsko in morfološko težaven rod v družini kukavičevk (Orchidaceae), iz katerega so bile v Sloveniji donedavna poznane le tri vrste. V zadnjih letih so nekateri raziskovalci potrdili uspevanje vsaj še treh vrst. V okviru magistrskega dela smo poiskali populacije vseh potrjenih taksonov v slovenskih Alpah, proučili razlike v njihovi morfologiji in vzorce njihove razširjenosti. V ta namen smo določili 57 razlikovalnih znakov (22 makromorfoloških znakov, 21 znakov cveta, 2 mikromorfološka znaka in 12 izpeljanih numeričnih znakov) in njihove vrednosti izmerili na 186 rastlinah, ki smo jih našli med terenskim delom. Podatke smo nato obdelali statistično, prikazali z grafikoni »škatla z brki«, 100-odstotno naloženimi stolpičnimi grafikoni, analize glavnih komponent (PCA) in analize glavnih koordinat (PCoA). Na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov smo izdelali opise in karte razširjenosti posameznih taksonov ter dihotomni ključ za določanje vrst iz rodu Nigritella v Sloveniji. Z našo raziskavo smo v slovenskih Alpah zanesljivo potrdili prisotnost sedmih taksonov. Ugotovili smo, da je za določanje murk v prvi fazi najbolj pomembna kombinacija barv spodnjih in zgornjih cvetov v socvetju. V kasnejših fazah določanja pa so najbolj uporabni znaki na cvetu in dolžina pelodnih zrn. Slednja se je pokazala za pomemben znak pri posrednem ocenjevanju ploidnega stanja murk v Sloveniji.


taksonomija;morfologija;razširjenost;Slovenija;določevalni ključ;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [B. Blažič]
UDC: 582.581(043.2)
COBISS: 4508751 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1351
Downloads: 686
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Taksonomic-morphological analysis of vanilla orchids (Nigritella spp.) in Slovenia
Secondary abstract: Vanilla orchids (Nigritella) are taxonomically and morphologically difficult genus in the orchid family, within which only three species were known in Slovenia for a long time. In recent years, some authors have confirmed at least three additional species. In the study, we therefore sought to find populations of all known taxa in Slovenian Alps and to study the differences in their morphology and patterns of their distribution. We identified 57 characters (22 macromorphological characters, 21 flower characters, 2 micromorphological characters and 12 derived numerical characters) and measured them on 186 plants collected in the field. The data was then processed statistically, using the box plot diagrams, 100% loaded column charts, main component analysis (PCA), and main coordinate analysis (PCoA). On the basis of the obtained results, we produced descriptions and distribution maps of individual taxa and a dichotomous key for determining species from the genus Nigritella in Slovenia. Through our research, we have confirmed the presence of seven taxa in Slovenian Alps. At the same time, we found out that the combination of the lower and upper flowers in the inflorescence is the most important character for separating the taxa in the initial phase of determination. In later stages of determination, however, the most useful are the flower characters and the length of the pollen grains. The latter also proved to be an important indicator in the indirect assessment of ploid state of vanilla orchids in Slovenia.
Secondary keywords: taksonomy;morphology;distribution;Slovenia;determination key;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Biotehniška fak.
Pages: XIX, 113, [2] f.
ID: 10910415