diplomsko delo
Ana Vidoš (Author), Maja Pori (Reviewer), Petra Zaletel (Mentor)


Cilj in namen diplomskega dela je bil sestaviti vadbeni program za dvig telesne pripravljenosti plesalk in plesalcev hip hopa v prehodnem obdobju, ki je pogosto zanemarjen. V diplomski nalogi smo opravili pregled raziskav, ki obravnavajo poškodbe pri plesalcih hip hopa, porabo kisika, aerobno in anaerobno delo pri plesu in komponente, ki so potrebne za uspešnost hip hop plesalcev. Pri sestavi programa za prehodno obdobje smo dali poudarek predvsem na vzdržljivost in repetitivno moč vključili smo tudi treninge gibljivosti. Pri treningih vzdržljivosti smo poizkušali uporabiti načine treningov, ki so najbolj dostopni in realni za izvedbo. Uporabili smo trening aerobike – skupinske vadbe ob glasbi, ki zelo pozitivno vpliva na razvoj gibalnih in funkcionalnih sposobnosti. Aerobika je zelo podobna plesu, ker gre za razvoj gibalnih sposobnosti, ki so potrebne pri plesu, potrebno pa je tudi slediti ritmu, ki ga narekuje glasba. Uporaba fartleka je prav tako zelo primerna za razvoj vzdržljivosti, zato smo ga vključili v program, saj s to vrsto vadbe razvijamo druge gibalne sposobnosti, ne le tiste, ki so potrebne pri plesu. Za razvoj moči smo uporabili obhodno vadbo, saj gre pri tekmovalnem plesu hip hopa po navadi za večjo skupino, torej je ta vadba organizacijsko najbolj primerna. Gibljivosti smo namenili tudi posebne treninge s statičnim in balističnim raztezanjem, ki smo jih izvajali dvakrat tedensko kot samostojno vadbeno enoto in pa ob koncu treningov moči.


šport;ples;hip hop;tekmovalna disciplina;gibalne sposobnosti;telesne sposobnosti;aerobika;vzdržljivost;telesna pripravljenost;moč;hitrost;koordinacija;ravnotežje;gibljivost;preciznost;programske priprave;treningi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [A. Vidoš]
UDC: 793.3
COBISS: 5282225 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1109
Downloads: 692
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The aim and purpose of the thesis was to draw up a training program for physical preparation of hip hop dancers during the transitional period, which is often neglected. In the thesis, a survey of research has been carried out, concerning the injuries of hip-hop dancers, oxygen consumption, aerobic and anaerobic work in dancing and the necessary components needed for successful hip-hop dancers. When drawing up the program for the transitional period, we focused mainly on endurance, strength endurance and we also included flexibility workouts. With endurance training we tried to use methods that are most accessible and realistic for implementation. We used aerobic training – music group aerobics, which has a very positive impact on the development of movement and functional abilities. Aerobics is very similar to dancing, because it is a combination of physical abilities required for dancing and it is also necessary to follow the rhythm dictated by the music. Fartlek is very suitable for the development of endurance as well, so we included it in the program, since this form of training develops versatile movement abilities and not only those which are necessary for dancing. For the development of strength, we used circuit workout since competitive hip-hop dancing is not usually an individual competition. An exception to this is, when competing in the solo discipline, but a larger group competition, therefore this exercise is organizationally the most suitable. For the development of strength, we used group circuit workouts since competitive hip-hop dancing is mostly group competition. Therefore this exercise is organizationally the most suitable and also appropriate for individuals, duos and small groups. We will also include flexibility trainings as a separate exercise unit and as an addition at the end of strength trainings.
Secondary keywords: dance;hip hop;physical preparation;physical abilities;aerobics;strentgh;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
ID: 10910447