diplomsko delo
Urška Fele (Author), Roman Globokar (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo se ukvarja s problemom darovanja organov. Predvsem se osredotoča na etičnost darovanja (tako živi kot mrtvi darovalec) ter kakšen je odziv različnih religij na to temo; ali darovanje podpirajo ali ne. Pri večini izbranih religij je opravljen tudi krajši intervju in s tem je pridobljen točni vpogled v to, ali se religije strinjajo z darovanjem ali ne. Diplomsko delo se posveča tudi napredku medicinske znanosti, do kje religije le-tega podpirajo oziroma kje postavijo mejo. Opravljen je tudi intervju s predstavnico organizacije Slovenija Transplant, ki natančno predstavi delovanje društva in potek transplantacije ter tudi neke zadržke oziroma zavrnitve darovanja. Nato sledi analiza ankete, kjer anketiranci odgovarjajo na vprašanja, povezana z darovanjem, ali so za ali proti. Kakšen je njihov odnos do medicine, ali so mnenja, da religije podpirajo darovanje ali ne. Pri tem je opaziti, da anketiranci še vedno niso dovolj seznanjeni z dotičnim problemom. Veliko jih tudi ne sprejema možganske smrti kot dejanske smrti. Veliko je sicer pristašev darovanja, vendar pa se jih je le malo zares opredelilo, saj je opredeljenih le 1 % prebivalcev. Religije načeloma podpirajo darovanje organov, vendar imajo določene religije tudi kakšne zadržke oziroma pogoje, da pride do darovanja. Enako velja pri medicinski znanosti. Tudi tu imajo religije neke zadržke oziroma postavijo neko mejo, ki je medicina ne bi smela preseči.


transplantacija;darovanje;organ;religija;vera;etika;morala;medicina;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL TEOF - Theological Faculty
Publisher: [U. Fele]
UDC: 21/29:616-089.843:17(043.2)
COBISS: 7724634 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1637
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The view of different religions on organ donation
Secondary abstract: The thesis discusses the problem of organ donation. The main focus is the ethics of donating (by either an alive or a dead donor) and the response of different religions to that matter: if they support the donation or are against it. A short interview was done with members of most of the chosen religions, so an exact insight to the matter is given. The thesis also discusses the progress of the medical science, how much it is supported by religions and where is the line. Also, an interview with a representative of Slovenija Transplant was done; it presents the activities of the organization and the process of a transplant and also some restraints and rejections of a transplant. Then follows an analysis of an opinion poll about organ donation: what is people's opinion about medicine, do they think that religions support the donation or not. It has been found out that people still do not know much about this problem. A lot of them does not consider brain death as actual death. A lot of them support the donation, but only few actually opted as only 1% of people is opted. In general, religions support organ donation, but some of them have some restrains or conditions for the donation. It is the same with medical science where religions have some restrains as well and put bounds to the medical progress.
Secondary keywords: transplant;donation;organ;religion;belief;ethics;morality;medicine;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Teološka fak.
Pages: III, 43, XXII str.
ID: 10910589
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