magistrsko diplomsko delo
Jure Kožuh (Author), Viktorija Žnidaršič (Mentor)


Od leta 1976 je v slovenskem pravnem redu določba, ki omogoča državi in občinam, kot dajalkam pomoči, da ob smrti prejemnika izločijo svoj del vrednosti dane pomoči iz zapustnikovega premoženja. Institut omejitve dedovanja je primeren in sorazmeren ukrep, saj s posegom v pravico do zasebne lastnine in dedovanja varuje in omogoča učinkovito izvajanje pravice do socialne varnosti drugih pomoči potrebnih oseb. S spremembami Zakona o dedovanju in Zakona o socialnovarstvenih prejemkih iz leta 2016 se je institut omejitve dedovanja bistveno spremenil – tako glede vsebine, vrste pomoči in zavarovanja zahtevka kot tudi zaznambe prepovedi odtujitve in obremenitve. V prihodnje bi bilo smiselno nameniti globlji premislek o ustreznosti trenutne ureditve področja 129. člena Zakona o dedovanju, saj ga je po mojem mnenju potrebno dopolniti tako, da bo učinkovito zadostil socialni funkciji, za katero si prizadeva družba. Menim, da kljub omenjenim spremembam iz leta 2016 regulativa omejitve dedovanja premoženja osebe, ki je uživala pomoč v skladu s predpisi o socialnem varstvu, ostaja pomanjkljiva. Še vedno ni urejen postopek pridobitve soglasja za razpolaganje z nepremičnino, na kateri je vpisana prepoved odtujitve in obremenitve v zemljiški knjigi, še vedno niso jasni določeni kriteriji za opredelitev zakonca in njegovih otrok kot pomoči potrebnih oseb. Po mojem mnenju je zakonodajalec po nepotrebnem izbrisal zaznambe prepovedi odtujitve in obremenitve, ki so bile v korist Republike Slovenije, iz zemljiške knjige, vzpostavil vzporedni način omejitve dedovanja ter vezal omejitev dedovanja na nepremičninski kriterij ter opredelil pogrebne stroške kot občinsko pomoč, za katero se omeji dedovanje.


dedovanje;socialna pomoč;omejitev dedovanja;izločitev vrednosti socialne pomoči iz zapustnikovega premoženja;socialno varstvo;zaznamba prepovedi odtujitve in obremenitve nepremičnine;odpoved omejitvi dedovanja;prostovoljno vračanje socialne pomoči;magistrske diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [J. Kožuh]
UDC: 347.65/.68:364.3(043.2)
COBISS: 15817297 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1496
Downloads: 764
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Detachment of value of social assistance from deceased's assets
Secondary abstract: Since 1976 there is an article in Slovenian legal system which enables the state and municipalities as subjects who are bound to provide social assistance to detach a part of given value of assistance from the deceased's assets. The restriction of inheritance is suitable and proportionate measure based on which we intervene into ones Right to Private Property and Inheritance to secure and provide effective implementation of the Right to social security of others. With the changes of the Inheritance Act and Social Assistance Benefits Act has the legislator essentially changed the institute regarding its content, types of assistance and its insurance through the entry of prohibition of alienation and encumbrance of real estate. In my opinion, if we as a sociaety want to fullfill the social function it would be sensible to dedicate a deeper thought towards appropriatly modifying the arrangement of article 129 of the Inheritance Act. In my opinion, nevertheless the amendments reached in year 2016, the regulation on restriction of inheritance of recipient of social assistance based on social security regulation remains inadequate. The procedure of acquisition approval for selling the real estate with prohibition of alienation and encumbrance written in the land register is still not sufficiently regulated, the same problem remains with the lack of clear indication of any criteria based on which we could identify and define spouse or childrens as help needed persons. Legislator has as well abolished the entry of prohibition of alienation and encumbrance of real estate in the land register which were in favour of the Republic of Slovenia, it has established a parallel model of restriction of inheritance and has bind the latter to a real estate criteria and has defined the funeral expenses as a municipality social assistance.
Secondary keywords: restriction of inheritance;detachment of value of social assistance from deceased's assets;social assistance;prohibition of alienation and encumbrance of real estate;resignation on restriction on inheritance;voluntary return of social assistance;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: 68 f.
ID: 10910733