magistrsko delo
Magistrsko delo obravnava področje, ki je aktualno na mednarodni ravni % katastrsko preurejanje zemljišč ob večjih posegih v prostor. V študiji obravnavamo komasacije in druge instrumente za zemljiško preurejanje v Sloveniji ter v izbranih evropskih državah. Za Nemčijo, Švedsko, Češko in Nizozemsko podajamo pregled instrumentov za zemljiško preurejanje s poudarkom na tistih, ki so primerni za preureditve ob gradnji velikih infrastrukturnih objektov. Pri tem se kot pomemben vidik izpostavlja trajnostni prostorski razvoj, poudarjene so tudi druge ekonomske in družbene koristi celovitega preurejanja zemljišč. V teoretičnem delu smo preučili literaturo s predmetnega področja in predstavili ključna dejstva, pomembna za obravnavo zemljiških preureditev. Dobre prakse so pomembno sredstvo pri spreminjanju obstoječih ali uvedbi novih instrumentov oziroma rešitev, zato smo predstavili nekaj uspešno izvedenih postopkov iz slovenskega prostora. Za osvetlitev problematike smo v empiričnem delu naloge obravnavali študijsko območje, ki je vplivno območje večjega infrastrukturnega objekta % avtoceste. Ugotovili smo, da so na tem območju neustrezni pristopi preurejanja zemljišč ob umestitvi avtoceste v prostor povzročili parcelno strukturo, ki zelo otežuje rabo zemljišč, tveganje pri registraciji, upravljanju in transakcijah zemljišč. Tako po slovenskih izkušnjah kot po izkušnjah v obravnavanih državah se komasacija prepoznava kot pomemben instrument za zemljiško preurejanje in reševanje problematike parcelne razdrobljenosti ob umeščanju večjih infrastrukturnih objektov v prostor.
geodezija;magistrska dela;GIG;zemljiška parcela;komasacija;parcelna struktura;zemljiško preurejanje;infrastrukturni objekti;umeščanje v prostor;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2017 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering |
Publisher: |
[P. Levičar] |
UDC: |
528.44:004.946(497.4)(043.3) |
Views: |
877 |
Downloads: |
522 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Cadastral land re-arrangement possibilities at the existing line infrastructure objects |
Secondary abstract: |
This master thesis deals with an international challenging topic, which concerns cadastral land re-arrangements in the cases of large-scale intervention in the space. In the thesis, the land consolidation and other land re-arrangement instruments are studied % in Slovenia as well as in the selected European countries. We give an overview of land re-arrangement instruments in Germany, Sweden, Czech Republic and the Netherlands, emphasizing those suitable for large-scale infrastructure projects. The sustainable development and holistic approach together with economical and public benefit have been shown as important aspect of land re-arrangements. In the theoretical part we analysed the corresponding literature and exposed crucial facts for land re-arrangement. Good practices have been recognized as an important approach for changing the existing or implementing new procedures. Accordingly, we highlighted some case studies of successfully introduced new procedures in Slovenian territory. In the empirical part, the area which was impacted by large-scale infrastructure, i. e. the highway, project has been studied. It has been shown, that the inappropriate approach of land re-arrangement during the allocation of the highway in the space caused inadequate land plot structure, which resulted in difficulties of land use; furthermore, it brought risks at land registration, management and real property transactions. Following Slovenian experiences and considering good practices from the studied countries, the land consolidation was identified as an important land re-arrangement instrument, which can be used by the large-scale infrastructure projects aiming to minimize the negative consequences of projects on land plot structure and land use of the targeted areas. |
Secondary keywords: |
geodesy;master thesis;land plot;land consolidation;land plot structure;land rearrangement;infrastructure objects;spatial alocation;condominium; |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo |
Pages: |
XII, 68 str. |
ID: |
10910812 |