diplomska naloga
Dejan Savanović (Author), Roman Kunič (Mentor)


V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena preverba obstoječe energetske izkaznice, izdelane s strani izdelovalca izkaznic, za večstanovanjsko stavbo v Medvodah, zgrajeno leta 2011, vključno s predlogi ukrepov, ki bi zagotovili, da bi stavba zadoščala trenutnim zahtevam po učinkoviti rabi energije. Na začetku diplomske naloge je opisana veljavna zakonodaja na področju energetske izkaznice, sledi pa predstavitev obravnavane stavbe. Na podlagi izračunov je v programu KI Energija 2014 izdelana računska energetska izkaznica po veljavni zakonodaji in metodologiji dela. S pomočjo primerjave z izdelano energetsko izkaznico na podlagi izračunov je preverjena pravilnost izračunov obstoječe energetske izkaznice, izdelane s strani izdelovalca. Pri tem so prikazane napake v izračunih obstoječe energetske izkaznice in vzroki, zaradi katerih je prišlo do nepravilnih izračunov. Na koncu so predstavljeni predlagani ukrepi za izboljšanje energetske učinkovitosti stavbe, tako da bi stavba izpolnjevala vse zahteve za energetsko učinkovito stavbo po Pravilniku o učinkoviti rabi energije v stavbah (2010).


gradbeništvo;diplomska naloga;VSŠ;GR;GR-OG;OG-MO;računska energetska izkaznica;večstanovanjska stavba;KI Energija;preverba obstoječe energetske izkaznice;ukrepi za energetsko učinkovitost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [D. Savanović]
UDC: 620.9:697:728(043.2)
COBISS: 8179553 Link will open in a new window
Views: 958
Downloads: 468
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Verification of the already calculated energy performance certificate of dwelling residential building with sugestions for the improvement of the insulation of the building envelope
Secondary abstract: The graduation thesis presents the verification of the existing energy performance certificate, made by the manufacturer of energy performance certificates, for a dwelling residential building in Medvode, built in 2011, with suggestions for improvement, which would ensure compliance of the building with the existing requirements for efficient use of energy. The beginning of the thesis describes the valid legislation in the field of the energy performance certificate, which is followed by a presentation of the discussed building. Based on calculations, the software KI Energija is used to make a calculated energy performance certificate according to the valid legislation and the work methodology. Through a comparison with the manufactured energy performance certificate based on calculation, the correctness of the calculations of the existing energy performance certificate, made by the manufacturer, is verified. Presented are all the errors in the calculations of the existing energy performance certificate and causes, which have led to incorrect calculations. At the end it presents the suggested measures for the improvement of the building%s energy efficiency in order for the building to meet all the requirements for an energy efficient building according to the Rules on efficient use of energy in buildings with a technical guideline (2010).
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;graduation thesis;calculated energy performance certificate;dwelling residential building;KI Energija;verification of the existing energy performance certificate;measures for energy efficiency;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: X, 39 str., 3 pril.
ID: 10910844