diplomsko delo
Oskar Šibli (Author), Marko Zupan (Mentor), Nina Kacjan-Maršić (Co-mentor)


V diplomski nalogi smo v lonĉnem poskusu ugotavljali razlike v akumulaciji kovin Cd, Pb in Zn pri solati, stroĉjem fiţolu, rdeĉi pesi, šalotki in kolerabici, ki smo jih gojili v tleh z razliĉno koncentracijo kovin. V poskusu smo imeli dve vrsti tal, v katerih smo gojili vrtnine: onesnaţena in neonesnaţena. Onesnaţna tla smo vzeli na obmoĉju stare Cinkarne, vsebnost kovin je presegala kritiĉno vrednost glede na Uredbo o mejnih, opozorilnih in kritiĉnih vrednosti v tleh (Uredba 68/1996): Cd = 46 mg/kg; Pb = 4067 mg/kg; Zn = 40166 mg/kg. Tla za kontrolno obravnavanje smo vzeli na obrobju Celja, vsebnost kovin pa je bila pod mejno vrednostjo: Cd = 1 mg/kg; Pb = 34 mg/kg; Zn = 138 mg/kg. Tla smo homogenizirali in napolnili 10 litrske lonce, za vsako vrsto vrtnin smo pripravili 5 loncev za vsako vrsto tal. V vsak lonec smo posadili po dve rastlini iste vrste, razen pri stroĉjem fiţolu smo imeli tri rastline. Vrtnine smo gojili do tehnološke zrelosti in nato izmerili vsebnost kovin v uţitnih delih rastlin. Ugotovili smo, da veĉja koncentracija kovin v zemlji vpliva na veĉje vsebnosti kovin v uţitnih delih rastlin. Sprejem kovin se je razlikoval med posameznimi vrstami vrtnin. Najmanj kovin je bilo v gomolju kolerabice in strokih stroĉjega fiţola, saj vsebnosti Cd in Pb nista presegali mejne vrednosti za ţivila. Vsebnost Cd in Pb je presegala mejno vrednost za ţivila v uţitnih delih solate, rdeĉe pese in šalotke, ki so rasle v onesnaţenih tleh. Velika koncentracija kovin v tleh je vplivala tudi na manjšo koliĉino pridelka pri rastlinah solate, stroĉjega fiţola, šalotke in kolerabice. Rdeĉa pesa pa je imela veĉji pridelek gomoljev v onesnaţenih tleh.


onesnaženost tal;Cd;Pb;Zn;vsebnost v vrtninah;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [O. Šibli]
UDC: 504.5:635.1/.8(043.2)
COBISS: 8808057 Link will open in a new window
Views: 956
Downloads: 737
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Concentration of Cd, Pb and Zn in various vegetables according to the level of soil pollution
Secondary abstract: In this diploma thesis differences in the accumulation of Cd, Pb and Zn in lettuce, green beans, red beet, shallot and kohlrabi in differently contaminated soil were evaluated. Two soil samples – with different contamination levels were collected in which different vegetables were grown. The contaminated soil was gathered in Celje, in the neighbourhood of a big industrial factory. Metals concentrations in contaminated soil exceeded critical values determined by regulation (Regulation, 68/1996): Cd = 46mg/kg; Pb = 4067 mg/kg; Zn = 40166 mg/kg. Soil that was used for control group was gathered in the suburban area of Celje, its metals concentrations were under the regulation limit values: Cd = 1 mg/kg; Pb = 34 mg/kg; Zn = 138 mg/kg. The soil was homogenized and put into 10 liter pots. Individual vegetable species was cultivated in five pots (repetition), for each group.The vegetable samples were taken when plant reached technological maturity. After the proper preparation of samples, the concentrations of Cd, Pb and Zn in edible portions of vegetables were measured. The result showed that higher concentration of metals in soil was associated with higher concentration of metals in edible portions. The concentrations of accumulated metals from soil in edible portions depended on vegetable species. Green beans and kohlrabi showed lower levels of accumulation. None of their samples did not exceed the Cd and Pb concentration values determined by the regulation, not even in contaminated group. Lettuce, red beet and sallot appeared to be better metals accumulators. All the samples in contaminated group exceeded Cd and Pb concentration values determined by the regualation. Higher Cd, Pb and Zn concentrations in soil influance yield decreease in lettuce, green beans, shallot and kohlrabi.
Secondary keywords: soil pollution;content in vegetables;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za agronomijo
Pages: XI, 42 f., [9] f. pril.
ID: 10910895