magistrska naloga


Delo obravnava pravno varstvo otroka v civilnem medicinskem pravu v Sloveniji in v primerjalnem pravu. Medtem ko teorija že leta posveča posebno pozornost pravicam otrok, med drugim tudi pravicam s področja civilnega medicinskega prava, slovenska praksa na tem področju še ni tako razvita, zato si sodišča pri odločitvah včasih pomagajo s tujo sodno prakso in teorijo. Iz tega razloga je v delu predstavljeno, kako se s problematiko soočajo nekatere druge države, ki so se z določenimi vprašanji srečale že pred nami. V delu je najprej predstavljena definicija otroka, za tem pa so navedeni pravni viri, ki urejajo njegove pravice in dolžnosti. Posebna pozornost je namenjena standardu največje koristi otroka, saj je le-ta glavno vodilo pri odločanju v zadevah, ki se nanašajo nanj. V jedru so opisane splošne pravice, ki pripadajo vsem pacientom, podrobneje pa so obravnavane posebne pravice, ki so namenjene le otrokom. Ker je vseh skupaj preveč, da bi jih obravnavala v tem delu, so podrobneje obdelane le tiste, ki so se mi zdele najbolj problematične oziroma aktualne. V nadaljevanju so obravnavane pravice in dolžnosti staršev do otroka, pri čemer je poudarjeno, da so le-te dolžni uresničevati tako, da se zagotovi otrokova največja korist. Pri tem je pomembno, da njihove pravice nimajo prednosti pred pravicami otroka. V zaključku poglavja, ki se nanaša na starše, so predstavljeni ukrepi v primeru, kadar svojih dolžnosti ne izvršujejo oziroma jih izvršujejo v nasprotju z dobrobitjo otroka. Zadnje poglavje opredeljuje razmerja med zdravnikom in otrokom kot pacientom ter pravice in dolžnosti zdravnika, ki iz tega razmerja izhajajo. S praktičnimi primeri so predstavljene pravne posledice napak v zdravljenju in tuja pravna ureditev v primerih brezupnega zdravljenja.


civilno medicinsko pravo;otrok;zdravnik;največja otrokova korist;sposobnost odločanja;napake v zdravljenju;pojasnilna dolžnost;magistrske diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [B. Bonelli]
UDC: 347:61(043.2)
COBISS: 15891537 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1496
Downloads: 531
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Child in civil medical law
Secondary abstract: This paper discusses legal protection of children in civil medical law in Slovenia, and in comparative law. While theory has been paying special attention to the rights of children, including the rights from the sphere of civil medical law, the Slovenian case law is not particularly developed on this field. Therefore, for their decisions, Slovenian courts sometimes help themselves with the use of foreign legal theory and case law. For this reason, the paper presents how this problem is tackled by some other countries which had dealt with some specific questions before us. The paper starts by presenting the definition of a child, which is followed by legal sources that regulate children’s rights and obligations. Special attention is given to the standard of the best interest of child, since it is the main principle when deciding on child-related matters. In the body, general rights that apply to all patients are described, and special attention is given to the specific rights that only apply to children. Since these are too numerous to be considered in this work in their entirety, I specifically focused on those I found either most problematic or up-to-date. Later, the paper discusses the rights and obligations of parents towards their child, where the emphasis is on the fact that they are obligated to fulfill them in a way that provides maximum benefits for the child. In the conclusion of the chapter which refers to parents, the paper presents measures that can be taken when parents do not fulfill their obligations or when they fulfill them in contradiction with the well-being of a child. The last chapter defines the relationships between doctors and the child as a patient, as well as the rights and obligations of the doctor which arise from this relationship. Legal consequences of healthcare mistakes, and foreign legal order in the cases of hopeless treatment are presented through practical examples.
Secondary keywords: civil medical law;child;doctor;best interests of the child;decision-making competence;mistakes in healthcare;informed consent;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: 51 f.
ID: 10911628
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