magistrsko delo
Peter Pekolj (Author), Franc Sinur (Mentor), Janko Logar (Thesis defence commission member), Drago Saje (Thesis defence commission member), Mirko Kosič (Co-mentor)


V magistrskem delu obravnavamo potresno analizo sovprežne visoke stavbe. Za izbrano stavbo smo primerjali dve zasnovi sistema glavne nosilne konstrukcije. V prvi zasnovi se obremenitve prenašajo s sovprežnimi momentnimi okviri, medtem ko se v primeru druge zasnove horizontalne sile prenašajo preko diagonal s preprečenim uklonom, ki imajo sposobnost disipacije energije tudi v primeru tlačne obremenitve. V uvodnem delu magistrskega dela so najprej predstavljeni konstrukcijski elementi stavbe: sovprežna plošča, sovprežni nosilec, sovprežni steber ter diagonala s preprečenim uklonom. Diagonale s preprečenim uklonim so relativno nepoznane v vsakdanji praksi, zato je predstavljen tudi koncept delovanja le-teh ter njihovo obnašanje med delovanjem potresne obtežbe. V osrednjem delu naloge je prikazana potresna analiza izbrane visoke stavbe, ki smo jo analizirali za dve različni zasnovi. Stavbi sta projektirani skladno s predpisi za projektiranje potresnoodpornih konstrukcij (Evrokod 8) in ostalih določil standardov skupine Evrokod. V primeru zasnove z vgrajenimi diagonalami s preprečenim uklonom smo se opirali na tuje standarde in priporočila (NEHRP, 2015), objavljene članke (Bosco in sod., 2012) ter priporočila proizvajalcev (Starseismic, 2017). Standardi družine Evrokod namreč trenutno še ne vključujejo pravil za projektiranje konstrukcij, ki imajo vgrajene takšne elemente. Rezultate potresne analize obravnavanih konstrukcij smo primerjali glede na pomike, velikost celotne potresne sile in porabo materiala. Obravnavani konstrukciji ustrezata zahtevam standarda Evrokod 8. Primerjava rezultatov je pokazala, da so pomiki pri konstrukciji s sovprežnimi momentnimi okviri manjši, potresna sila pa večja kot v primeru zasnove s povezji. Teža konstrukcije z vgrajenimi povezji, katerim je preprečen uklon, je manjša v primerjavi s konstrukcijo s sovprežnimi momentnimi okvirji.


gradbeništvo;magistrska dela;sovprežna visoka stavba;potresna analiza;sovprežni steber;sovprežni nosilec;momentni okvir;BRB povezje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [P. Pekolj]
UDC: 624.153.524:624.042.7(497.4)(043.3)
COBISS: 8214625 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1101
Downloads: 790
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Seismic analysis of composite high-rise building
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis discusses the seismic analysis of a composite high-rise building. For the selected building, two concepts of load-resisting system are compared. In the first concept, horizontal loads are resisted with composite moment frames, whereas in the second concept horizontal forces are resisted through diagonal braces with buckling restrained members, which are also able to dissipate energy in the case of compression load. The introductory part of this master's thesis presents the constructional elements of the building, i.e. the composite slabs, the composite beams, the composite columns and the buckling restrained braces. Buckling restrained braces are relatively unknown to engineering practice, therefore their basic features and their expected seismic behaviour are also shortly summarized. In the central part of this thesis, the seismic analysis of the selected high-rise building is analysed considering two concepts of load-resisting system. Both concepts were designed in accordance with provision for seismic-resistant design (Eurocode 8) and other relevant parts of Eurocode standards. It is worth noting, however, that the Eurocode standards do not yet include specific rules for the design of buckling restrained braces. As a result, the design of this particular structural system was largely based on foreign standards and recommendations (NEHRP, 2015), published articles (Bosco in sod., 2012) and manufacturers' recommendations (Starseismic, 2017). The results of seismic analysis for the two concepts of the considered high-rise building were compared in terms of their flexibility (displacements), the base shear force and material consumption. Based on the results of the study it was observed that the displacements and story drifts are smaller in case of composite moment-resisting frame. Lighter construction is the one with buckling restrained braces.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;master thesis;composite high-rise building;seismic analysis;composite beam;composite column;moment resisting frame;buckling restrained braces;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: IX, 93 str.
ID: 10911631