diplomsko delo
Janez Omerzu (Author), Mateja Vadnjal (Mentor)


Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati in analizirati možnosti za rast in razvoj podjetja Mana Omerzu d. o. o. Z diplomskim delom sem želel poiskati in predstaviti najbolj primerne načine za širitev in večanje obsega poslovanja. Analiziral sem trenutno stanje podjetja, predstavil njegove trenutne dejavnosti in obseg poslovanja, ga primerjal s konkurenčnimi podjetji, opravil tudi analizo trga ter tako prišel do potencialnih strategij, ki bodo podjetju omogočile doseganje zastavljenih ciljev. Ugotovil sem, da je podjetje v primerjavi s konkurenco razmeroma majhno in dosega manjšo prodajo in manjši tržni delež kot večina konkurenčnih podjetij. Vendar razmere na trgu in potencial znotraj podjetja kažejo, da obstaja velik potencial, da podjetje raste in se približa prodajnim številkam konkurence. Rast prodaje in prihodkov lahko podjetje dosega samo s širitvijo poslovanja izven svoje geografske regije, kjer trenutno dosega večji del svojih prihodkov. Širitev bi podjetje lahko doseglo na dva načina: z večanjem števila terenskih prodajnih zastopnikov oziroma komercialistov ter z odpiranjem novih poslovnih enot, ki bi bile usmerjene k prodaji manjšim podjetjem in obrtnikom ter kmetijam, gozdarjem in gospodinjstvom. Za širitev obsega poslovanja so seveda zraven vseh ostalih resursov potrebna tudi finančna sredstva. Z analizo sem ugotovil, da predvideni načini in strategije širitve ne zahtevajo preobsežnih finančnih sredstev, sploh če jih izrazimo v deležu celotne prodaje, ki jo podjetje dosega. Podjetje lahko večji del vložkov financira bodisi iz tekočega poslovanja bodisi iz akumuliranega kapitala lastnika iz naslova dobičkov predhodnega poslovanja. Za morebitno potrebo po financiranju s pomočjo bančnega kredita pa ima podjetje dobre bonitetne ocene in dobre kazalnike poslovanja.


poslovni načrt;rast podjetja;analiza tržnih razmer;analiza finančnega poslovanja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: GEA College - FP - GEA College of Entrepreneurship
Publisher: [J. Omerzu]
UDC: 005(043.3)
COBISS: 513607810 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3165
Downloads: 194
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The purpose of this diploma thesis is to research and analyse possibilities for growth and development of the company Mana Omerzu Ltd. Furthermore, I wanted to find and present most suitable methods used for enlargement and increase of scale of operations. I analysed current status of the company, its current activities and scale of operations, compared it to competitive companies, made a market analysis and came to potential strategies that would enable the company to reach its goals. I found out that the company, compared to the competition, is rather small, it achieves lower sales and smaller market shares than most most competitive companies. However, market situations and potential inside the company indicate that there is great potential because the company is on the increase and approaching the sales numbers of its competition. Product and income growth of the company can be reached by enlargement of operations ouside its reographical region where most of the company's income is being made at the moment. Enlargement of the company can be made in two ways: by increase of field sales agents or salesmen and by opening new business units with focus on selling the company's products to smaller companies, craftsmen, farms, foresters and households. Apart from other resources financial resources are of great importance for scale of operation enlargement. The analysis shows that planned methods and strategies of enlargement do not demand too extensive financial resources, especially if expressed in a total sales share achieved by the company. A larger part of contributions can be financed either from current business or from the accumulated capital of the owner (prior operations profit). For any necessary financing, a bank loan for example, the company has great rating and business factors.
Secondary keywords: business plan;company growth;new branch;new employees;sales growth;enlargement of the company;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0000801
Thesis comment: GEA College, Fak. za podjetništvo
Pages: 43 str., 1 str. pril.
ID: 10913214