magistrsko delo
Blanka Blagotinšek (Author), Mojca Smolej (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu z naslovom Obravnava stavčnih členov v slovenskem jezikoslovju - raba in funkcija v različnih besedilnih vrstah smo se ukvarjali z obravnavo stavčnih členov v slovenskem jezikoslovju. Z analizo literarnih, publicističnih in znanstvenih besedil smo ugotovili, da se v literarnih in publicističnih delih največkrat pojavi osebek, v znanstvenih pa prilastek. Podrobneje smo si ogledali osebek, ki se v literarnih besedilih večkrat pojavi v morfemski obliki, v publicističnih in znanstvenih pa v leksemski obliki. V vseh treh besedilnih vrstah smo našli členke, ki smo jih glede na njihovo funkcijo vključili v stavčnočlensko analizo, ali pa jih iz nje izločili. S primerjavo površinske in globinske sestave povedi smo dokazali vpliv pomenske skladnje na samo razumevanje besedila. Ugotovili smo, da lahko osebek in predmet v 4. sklonu izražata več različnih pomenov, največ pomenov izražata v literarnih besedilih.


slovenščina;skladnja;pomenska skladnja;stavčni členi;osebek;predmet v tožilniku;bolonjski magisteriji;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [B. Blagotinšek]
UDC: 811.163.6'367
COBISS: 58993506 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1142
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In the Master's thesis entitled The theory of Sentenc elements in Slovenian linguistics. Use and function in different types of text we dealt with the application of sentence elements in Slovenian linguistics. We analyzed the literary, scientific and journalistic texts and established that the subject is more frequent in the literary and journalistic texts. But in the scientific texts the attribute is more frequent. We turned our special attention to the subject which in the literary texts often appears as the morpheme. In the journalistic and scientific texts as lexical items. In all of the three types of texts we found indefinite pronouns. We included or excluded them in the sentence structure pattern, according to their function. By comparing all aspects of the sentence structure we proved the influence of the syntax on the understanding of the text. We established that the subject and the object in the accusative have many different meanings, particularly in the literary texts.
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovenistiko
Pages: VIII, f., 92 str.
ID: 10914826
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