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Blaž Čož (Author), Gregor Osterc (Mentor)


Leta 2016 smo v plastenjaku Biotehniške fakultete proučevali, kakšen vpliv ima pH vrednost substrata na tvorbo korenin pri potaknjencih pahljačastega javorja. V poskus so bile vključene osnovna vrsta Acer palmatum Thunb. in dve rdečelistni sorti A. p. 'Bloodgood' in A. p. 'Dissectum Garnet'. Zasnovali smo poskus s tremi ponovitvami vsake sorte oz. vrste po 20 potaknjencev, v substratu s štirimi različnimi pH vrednostmi, 3,2, 4, 5 in nevtralno 7. Potaknjence smo rezali na različno starem matičnem materialu in jih potaknili v sredini meseca junija v vnaprej pripravljene grede. Vsak potaknjenec smo tretirali s hormonskim pripravkom (0,5 % IBA + 10 % Captan na osnovi smukca). Po končani rastni dobi, ko so rastline prehajale v dobo mirovanja, smo rezultate ovrednotili glede na delež preživetja, koreninjenja, tvorbe kalusa, akrobazalnega in bazalnega koreninjenja ter števila in dolžine korenin. Po številnih parametrih vrednotenja se je kot najboljši substrat izkazal substrat s pH vrednostjo 5,0. Delež koreninjenja je bil največji pri sorti 'Bloodgood' 14,8 % in v substratih s pH 4,0 8,3 % in pH 5,0 8,3 %. V splošnem relativno slabe rezultate lahko vsaj deloma pripišemo različni starosti matičnega materiala in krajši okvari meglilnega sistema.


okrasne drevnine;vegetativno razmnoževanje;pahljačasti javor;Acer palmatum;pH substrata;koreninjenje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [B. Čož]
UDC: 631.5:635.9:582.747.1:631.415(043.2)
COBISS: 8878713 Link will open in a new window
Views: 994
Downloads: 646
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂimportance of pH value of the substrate in the propagation of the palmate maple (Acer palmatum Thunb.)
Secondary abstract: In the year 2016, in the greenhouse of the Biotechnical Faculty, we studied the influence of the substrate pH value on the root formation of palmate maple cuttings. The experiment included the basic type Acer palmatum Thunb. and two red leaf cultivars A.p. 'Bloodgood' and A.p. 'Dissectum Garnet'. The experiment was initiated with three replicates of 20 cuttings per each variety or type, in a substrate with four different pH values, 3.2, 4, 5, and neutral 7. The cuttings were cut from different old stock plants and inserted in pre-prepared flower beds in the middle of June. The necessary amount of lime was claculated for each bed separately. Each cutting was treated with a hormone powder (0.5 % IBA + 10 % Captan based on talc). After the end of the vegetation period, when the plants passed into dormancy, the results were evaluated based on survival, rooting, calus formation, acrobasal and basal rooting, and the number and length of the roots. After a number of evaluation parameters, the substrate with the pH value of 5.0 was shown as the best substrate. The highest rooting rate was of the 'Bloodgood' cultivar 14.8 % and in substrates with pH value 4.0 8.3 % and pH 5.0 8.3 %. In general, the relatively poor results can be partly attributed to the different age of the stock plants and to a shorter breakdown of the fogging system.
Secondary keywords: ornamental woddy plants;vegetative propagation;palmate maple;Acer palmatum;substrate pH;rooting;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za agronomijo
Pages: IX, 37 f.
ID: 10914995