magistrsko delo
Tjaša Gerbic (Author), Stane Kavčič (Reviewer), Jaka Žgajnar (Mentor)


V kriznih časih se vedno znova pojavljajo vprašanja o gospodarnosti prireje mleka in iskanju novih rešitev za dane izzive. Pri prireji mleka je eden takšnih izbira ustrezne pasme. V nalogi smo primerjali ekonomske kazalnike prireje pri dveh najpogostejših pasmah krav molznic v Sloveniji: lisasto in črno belo pasmo. S pomočjo nadgrajene modelne kalkulacije smo primerjali dosežena pokritja krav molznic v različnih skupinah in sicer na letni ravni na povprečno žival v čredi. V kalkulacijo smo vključili prihodke prodanega mleka, telet, izločenih krav ter spremenljive stroške obnove črede, stroškov krmnega obroka, veterinarskih storitev, zavarovanja in vezanega kapitala. Skupine krav molznic so bile oblikovane glede na zastopanost pasem v čredi in mlečnosti črede. Testirali smo ekonomičnost pasem ob različnih pogojih. S pomočjo uporabljenega pristopa smo ugotovili, da so najvišje pokritje ob razmerah v letu 2016 dosegale krave molznice lisaste pasme iz skupine mešanih rej z najvišjo mlečnostjo. Podoben ekonomski rezultat pri enakih pogojih reje ob odkupni ceni mleka v letu 2016 dosežemo, če krava lisaste pasme na leto da 5.500 kg mleka, krava črno-bele pasme pa med 7.500 kg in 8.000 kg. Lisasta pasma poveča stabilnost dohodka na kmetijskem gospodarstvu in je bolj konkurenčna predvsem v obdobju nizkih cen mleka.


govedoreja;mleko;prireja;ekonomika;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [T. Kirbiš]
UDC: 636.2:338.43.01(043.2)
COBISS: 4015496 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1421
Downloads: 759
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Economics of milk production of Holstein Friesian and Simmental breed in Slovenia
Secondary abstract: In times of crisis, there are recurring questions regarding the economics of dairy farming and the search for new solutions for the given challenges. When it comes to milk production one of them is the choice of appropriate breed. The focus of this master thesis was a comparison of the economic indicators of production in the two most common breeds of dairy cows in Slovenia: Simmental and Holstein Friesian breeds. Using upgraded model calculations, we compared the achieved gross margins of dairy cows in different groups, on an annual level and per average animal in the herd. The following items were included in the performed calculation: Sold milk, sold calves, culled cows, variable costs of restocking the herd, the costs of feed, veterinary services, insurance and all tied capital. Groups of dairy cows were formed according to the representation of the breeds in the herd and herd milk yields. We tested the efficiency of breeds under different conditions. Using the applied approach, we found that the highest gross margin in 2016 was achieved by dairy cows of Simmental breed from the group of mixed breeds with the highest milk yield. A similar economic result was achieved under the same conditions of farming, at the 2016 milk producer price, if the Simmental cow gives 5,500 kg of milk annually and the Holstein Friesian between 7,500 kg and 8,000 kg. The Simmental breed increases the stability of income on an agricultural holding and is more competitive particularly in the period of low milk prices.
Secondary keywords: cattle production;milk production;economics;Slovenia;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za zootehniko
Pages: XIV, 66 f., [10] f. pril.
ID: 10915115