magistrsko delo
Andreja Martinčič (Author), Borut Poljšak (Reviewer), Tjaša Griessler Bulc (Mentor), Nevenka Ferfila (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Izcedne vode predstavljajo enega izmed produktov odlagališč komunalnih in drugih odpadkov. Ravnanje z njimi je izrednega pomena za okolje, hkrati pa predstavlja velik del stroškov za upravljavca. Namen: Želeli smo poiskati nabor potencialno uporabnih tehnologij, ki so že dovolj raziskane, da bi jih lahko uporabili pri obravnavi izcednih vod izbranega odlagališča. Hkrati smo želeli prikazati stroškovno oceno oz. primerjavo tehnologij, ki se na izbranem odlagališču že uporabljajo, bi se lahko uporabljale in se uporabljajo na podobnih odlagališčih. Metode dela: Pregledali smo postopke in tehnologije, ki se uporabljajo v Sloveniji in po svetu, za čiščenje izcednih vod pred izpustom v okolje. Na podlagi podatkov trajnega opazovanja (t. i. monitoringa) izcednih vod izbranega odlagališča nenevarnih komunalnih odpadkov smo med naborom nekaterih potencialno uporabnih tehnologij določili združljivo skupino tistih, ki bi bile najbolj primerne za čiščenje teh vod. Rezultati: Pri pregledu podatkov o izcednih vodah v obdobju med letoma 2007 in 2016 (10 let) smo pri posameznih monitoringih ugotovili, da koncentracije kroma, sulfida, niklja in skupne vsote detergentov ne ustrezajo zakonsko določenim vrednostim za izpust v površinski vodotok. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da vpliva obdelave mešanih komunalnih odpadkov, ki se je začelo izvajati z začetkom leta 2016, na kakovost in količino izcedne vode ni mogoče ustrezno ovrednotiti, saj je obdobje dveh let (od januarja 2016) mehansko biološke obdelave odpadkov prekratko za ugotavljanje razlike med kakovostjo izcednih vod pred in po obdelavi odpadkov. Razprava in zaključek: Trenutne tehnologije, ki so potencialno uporabne za čiščenje izcednih vod odlagališča nenevarnih komunalnih odpadkov, ne ponujajo samostojne celovite rešitve. Zato smo predlagali tehnologije oz. kombinacije teh, ki bi lahko zadostile okoljskim zahtevam, zahtevam področne zakonodaje in željam upravljavca odlagališča po učinkoviti, trajni in stroškovno sprejemljivi rešitvi. Predlagani tehnologiji sta recirkulacija ter reverzna osmoza v kombinaciji s fizikalno kemičnimi tehnologijami.


magistrska dela;sanitarno inženirstvo;nenevarni komunalni odpadki;odlagališče;izcedne vode;obvladovanje tveganj;zakonodaja;zdravje;okolje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [A. Martinčič]
UDC: 614
COBISS: 5384299 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1214
Downloads: 482
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Determining the adequacy of various manners of leachate treatment in a municipal non-hazardous waste landfill with cost comparison
Secondary abstract: Introduction: One of the products of municipal and other waste landfills is landfill leachate. Proper handling with it is extremely important for the environment, while at the same time it represents a large part of the operator's costs. Purpose: We wanted to present a set of potentially useful technologies that have already been sufficiently researched to be applicative on the leachate of the selected landfill. At the same time, we wanted to present a cost estimate that is a comparison of technologies already in use on the selected landfill, the technologies that could be used, and the technologies used in similar landfills. Methods: The main focus was put on the treatment of leachate before the release into the environment, therefore, on the cleaning technology. Based on the leachate monitoring data of the selected landfill site and among the range of potentially useful technologies, we tried to find technology or rather a group of compatible technologies that could be used at the selected landfill site for non-hazardous municipal waste. At the same time, we also wanted to examine the effects of the treatment of mixed municipal waste on the leachate. Results: When reviewing the monitoring of landfill leachate in the period from 2007 to 2016 (10 years) it was found that individually there are parameters that do not meet the requirements of the legislation, and at the same time these parameters cause a threat of greater importance and could affect the functioning of the potentially selected technologies. The most commonly exceeded parameters observed are chromium (eight times over the ten-year period) and the individual parameters of sulphide, nickel and the total amount of detergents. It is not possible to speak about the impact of the treatment of mixed municipal waste, since the period of disposal of this type of waste is too short to show the effects on the leachate in the context of the monitorings that are still being implemented. Discussion and conclusion: Current technologies that are potentially useful in the field of waste water treatment, specifically in the field of leachate management, do not offer an independent, comprehensive solution. We offered few technologies or their combination that could be appropriate to use on chosen landfill. We chose recirculation or reverse osmosis combined with physical - chemical technologies.
Secondary keywords: master's theses;sanitary engineering;municipal non-hazardous wastes;waste landfill;landfill leachates;risk management;legislation;health;environment;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za sanitarno inženirstvo
Pages: 72 str., [7] str. pril.
ID: 10915185