poročilo o raziskavi
Maja Japelj (Author), Matic Kavčič (Reviewer), Mojca Divjak (Mentor), Robert Masten (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Motivacija je psihološki proces, ki spodbuja in usmerja naše vedenje. Motivacija pacientov pa je ena najbolj pomembnih in ena najbolj zahtevnih nalog terapevtskega poklica. Fizioterapevti morajo razumeti psihološke vidike in njihov vpliv na posameznikovo zdravstveno stanje in fizioterapevtsko obravnavo. Ugotovitve, kako fizioterapevti dojemajo in uporabljajo psihološke intervencije, bi lahko omogočile pomembne informacije o potrebah vadbe ter podale informacije za razvoj fizioterapevtskega programa v prihodnosti. Namen: Pregled nad znanjem in uporabo motivacije in motivacijskih strategij s strani fizioterapevtov po celotni Sloveniji. Metode dela: Spletna anketa, ki jo je po principu priložnostnega vzorčenja rešilo 44 fizioterapevtov. Spremenljivke, ki so bile uporabljene: spol, regija Slovenije, v kateri opravljajo delo, dolžina opravljanja poklica, ustanova, v kateri so zaposleni, njihovo poznavanje in raba motivacijskih tehnik, mnenje o motiviranosti pacientov za delo, mnenje o tem, kolikšen del osnovnega usposabljanja bi moralo biti učenje veščin motiviranja, stopnja želje po vključitvi v izobraževanje motivacijskih tehnik, strinjanje oziroma nestrinjanje s trditvami, da so pacienti bolj motivirani za delo, če si fizioterapijo plačujejo, da se višja in notranja motivacija kažeta z boljšim okrevanjem ter ali je pomen upoštevanja navodil odvisen od vrste poškodbe. Dobljeni rezultati so bili obdelani v programu 1ka spletna anketa in Microsoft Exel-u. Rezultati: V povprečju fizioterapevti poznajo strategije motiviranja srednje dobro in jih srednje do precej pogosto uporabljajo v svojih terapijah. Najbolj pogosto uporabljajo tehniko edukacije pacienta, najmanj pogosto pa relaksacijske tehnike. Največ svojega znanja o temi so pridobili z izkušnjami ob delu in najmanj s pomočjo izobraževanj, ki jih je financirala ustanova, v kateri so zaposleni. Menijo, da bi moralo biti učenje veščin motiviranja velik del osnovnega izobraževanja fizioterapije in bi želeli pridobiti več znanja na to temo. Razprava in sklep: Kljub temu, da se fizioterapevti strinjajo, da je motivacija pomembna pri celostni rehabilitaciji, se je izkazalo, da sicer poznajo motivacijske strategije, vendar vseeno ne dovolj dobro, da bi jih lahko samozavestno uporabljali pri svojih terapijah. Zaradi majhnega vzorca, na osnovi katerega so bili končni rezultati povzeti, jih ne moremo posplošiti na fizioterapevte celotne Slovenije. Za to bi potrebovali večji slučajni vzorec.


diplomska dela;fizioterapija;motivacija;motivacijske strategije;motiviranje pacientov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [M. Japelj]
UDC: 615.8
COBISS: 5386603 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1376
Downloads: 809
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂmeaning of motivational factors in physiotherapy performance
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Motivation is a psychological process that encourages and directs our behavior and motivation of patients is one of the most important and demanding tasks of the therapeutic profession. Physiotherapists need to understand psychological aspects and how they affect health status and physiotherapy treatment of a patient. To determine physiotherapists perception and use of psychological interventions, would allow important information about needs in training the patients and inform the development of physiotherapy program in the future. Purpose: General overview of knowledge and use of motivation and motivational strategies of physiotherapist in Slovenia. Methods: An online survey with casual sampling method was completed by 44 different physiotherapists. Variables were: sex, part of Slovenia where they work, how long are they in profession, in which health facility are employed, their knowledge and use of motivational strategies, their opinion on motivation of patients, opinion on how big the portion of motivation strategies should be in basic training for physiotherapists and level of their desire to get that knowledge, if they agree or disagree with statments, that patients are more motivated if they pay for treatment, that higher and intrinsic motivation results in better recovery and if the meaning of following directions depends on type of patients disfunction. The final results were processed in 1ka spletna anketa and Microsoft Exel. Results: On average physiotherapist know motivational strategies medium well and use them from medium to quite often in their therapies. The most common technique they use is education of their patients and the least frequently used technique is relaxation. Maximum amount of knowledge about the subject they received with experience while working and minimum amount with classes that were financed by the facility they work in. They think that learning skills of motivation should be included in primary education for physiotherapy and they wish to gain more knowledge on the subject. Discussion and conclusion: Despite the fact that physiotherapists agree that motivation is important in whole rehabilitation, it turns out that they know motivational strategies but still not well enough to use them with confidence during their therapies. Because of small amount of physiotherapists that have completed the survey we can not generalize the end results to all the physiotherapists in Slovenia. For this we would need a bigger random sample.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;physiotherapy;motivation;motivational strategies;motivating patients;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Dipl. delo (bolonjski študij), Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za fizioterapijo
Pages: 30 str., [5] str. pril.
ID: 10915431
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