diplomsko delo
Zala Cimperman (Author), Vojko Strojnik (Reviewer), Katja Tomažin (Mentor), Petra Prevc (Co-mentor)


Test korakanja v štirih kvadratih je bil razvit za merjenje dinamičnega, ki je pomembna sposobnost pri spreminjanju smeri in izogibanju ovir med hojo. Namen diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti merske značilnosti testa korakanja v štirih korakih. Naš vzorec je obsegal štiri vadbene skupine, v katere je bilo skupaj vključenih 52 vadečih, in kontrolno skupino s 24 starostniki. Opazovanci so bili stari od 50 do 80 let, ki so z izjemo kontrolne skupine izvajali štiri različne tipe vadbe: vadbo moči za povečanje mišične mase na napravah, vadbo moči z gimnastičnimi vajami, ravnotežno vadbo na mehkih površinah in ravnotežno vadbo na trdih površinah. Vadba je potekala dvakrat tedensko. Pred in po devetih tednih vadbe smo opravili testiranje v Laboratoriju za kineziologijo na Fakulteti za šport Univerze v Ljubljani, kjer smo opravili meritve testa korakanja v štirih kvadratih, dosegov z nogo in rokami ter stoje v različnih pogojih na tenziometrijski plošči. Rezultati testa korakanja v štirih kvadratih so pokazali statistično značilne spremembe pri vadbi ravnotežja in vadbi moči na napravah, medtem ko do značilnih sprememb rezultata ni prišlo pri vadbi moči z gimnastičnimi vajami. Metoda glavnih komponent pred in po devettedenski vadbi je izločila dve komponenti, ki smo ju glede na vrsto testa opredelili kot statična in dinamična komponenta. Statično komponento so nam predstavljali testi stoje na tenziometrijski plošči v različnih pogojih, dinamično komponento pa dosegi z nogo in rokami ter test korakanja v štirih kvadratih. Rezultati so pokazali, da test korakanja v štirih kvadratih sodi med teste, ki merijo sposobnost dinamičnega ravnotežja. Test korakanja v štirih kvadratih je po vadbi dovolj občutljiv, veljaven in zanesljiv, zato priporočamo njegovo uporabo v praksi.


šport;starostniki;motorični testi;testi ravnotežja;testi korakanja ptirih kvadratov;stoje na tenziometrijski plošči;funkcionalni dosegi;opis vadb;vadba za ravnotežje;občutljivost testov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [Z. Cimperman]
UDC: 796.012.266-053.88
COBISS: 5302705 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1725
Downloads: 825
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Sensitivity of four square step test
Secondary abstract: The Four Square Step Test was formed to measure the dynamics which is an important ability when it comes to changing directions and avoiding obstacles while walking. The purpose of the thesis was to determine the characteristics of the Four Square Step Test. Our sample was composed of four training groups with 54 participants and a control group of 24 people of advanced age. The observed people were between 50 and 80 years old. All the groups, with the exception of the control group, performed four different types of training: Strength training on the devices to increase the muscle mass, strength training with the gymnastic exercises, balance training on the soft surfaces and balance training on the hard surfaces. The training took place two times a week. Before and after the nine week training, we carried out a test at the Kinesiology Laboratory of the Faculty of Sports at the University of Ljubljana. We did the Four Square Step Test, the standing test on a tensiometric plate under different circumstances and we measured the reach with legs and arms. The results of the Four Square Step Test showed statistically typical alternations in the balance training and the strength training on the devices. There were no typical alternations of the result after the strength training with the gymnastic exercises. The method of the main components before and after the nine week training ruled out two components that were, considering the nature of the test, defined as the static and the dynamic component. The standing test on a tensiometric plate under different circumstances was the static component, whereas the reach with legs and arms and the Four Square Step Test were the dynamic components. The results showed that the Four Square Step Test belongs to the tests that measure the ability of the dynamic balance. The Four Square Step Test proved to be precise enough, valid and reliable after the training, therefore we recommend its use in practice.
Secondary keywords: people of advanced age;balance;Four Square Step Test;balance training;sensitivity of the test;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
ID: 10915435
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