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Mojca Gorišek (Author), Stanislav Trdan (Mentor)


Cvetlični resar (Frankliniella occidentalis) je toploljubna vrsta žuželk. Izvira iz Kalifornije (ZDA). Je izrazit polifag, ki se hrani na več kot 250 različnih vrstah gostiteljskih rastlin. Rastlinam je škodljiva neposredno in posredno. Neposredno poškoduje rastlinsko tkivo z ustnim aparatom za sesanje ter pri odlaganju jajčec, posredno prenaša tospoviruse. Zaradi njegovega načina življenja je zatiranje težko, poleg tega se pri škodljivcu lahko pojavi odpornost na insekticide. Uporaba entomopatogenih ogorčic se je izkazala za dobro alternativo insekticidom. Entomopatogene ogorčice so okolju prijazne in sprejemljivejše v primerjavi z insekticidi. V sebi nosijo bakterijo, s katero hitro povzročijo septično smrt gostitelja. Pri aplikaciji ogorčic moramo biti pozorni na čas, koncentracijo ogorčic in pogostost ter na abiotične dejavnike kot so temperatura, sevanje ter lastnosti tal. Ogorčice lahko tudi kombiniramo z določenimi fitofarmacevtskimi sredstvi ter drugimi naravnimi sovražniki cvetličnega resarja. Narejenih je bilo veliko raziskav, kjer so dokazali, da je uporaba entomopatogenih ogorčic za zatiranje nadzemnih in talnih stadijev cvetličnega resarja smotrna. Vseeno bo potrebno še kar nekaj študij na tem področju. Preučiti bo potrebno bionomijo posameznih vrst entomopatogenih ogorčic ter na podlagi tega izpopolniti kmetijsko prakso. Na podlagi preučitve domače in tuje strokovne literature v pričujočem delu predstavljamo rezultate dosedanje uporabe entomopatogenih ogorčic pri zatiranju cvetličnega resarja.


cvetlični resar;Frankliniella oocidentalis;entomopatogene ogorčice;biotično varstvo rastlin;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [M. Gorišek]
UDC: 632.937.1:632.7(043.2)
COBISS: 8921721 Link will open in a new window
Views: 913
Downloads: 443
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Biological control of western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande], Thysanoptera) with entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida)
Secondary abstract: Western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) is a thermophilous species of insect that originates in California (USA). It has a wide host range, for it feeds on more than 250 different host plant species. It damages plants directly and indirectly. It damages plant tissue directly with its mouth apparatus for sucking and by laying eggs. Indirect damage is caused by transmitting tospoviruses. Suppression of the pest is difficult because of its way of life and the occurrence of insecticide resistance. The use of entomopathogenic nematodes proved to be a suitable alternative to insecticides. Nematodes are more environmentally friendly and acceptable compared to insecticides. They carry a bacteria in their body, which quickly cause septic death of a host. When applying the nematodes we have to pay attention to time, nematode concetration, frequency and to abiotic factors, such as temperature, radiation and ground characteristics. Nematodes can also be combined with specific phytopharmaceutical and other natural enemies of the western flower thrips. A lot of research has been done proving that the use of entomopathogenic nematodes for western flower thrips suppression is reasonable. Still, more studies need to be done on the issue. Bionomics of individual species needs to be studied to further improve agricultural practice. Based on native and foreign professional literature, i wish to present the success of the use of entomopathogenic nematodes for western flower thrips suppression so far.
Secondary keywords: western flower thrips;Frankliniella oocidentalis;entomopathogenic nematodes;biological control;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za agronomijo
Pages: VI, 18 str.
ID: 10915487