diplomsko delo
Žan Majhenič (Author), Janja Hojnik (Mentor)


Z vstopom v EU je Slovenija prevzela pravni red, ki velja v EU, in možnost sooblikovanja zakonodaje EU, s tem pa pravico, da zakonodajne akte, ki so bili prej na ravni mednarodnih pogodb, pridobiva izvirno v svojem jeziku in ne izvedeno s pomočjo prevodov in razlag. To pa je državi prineslo tudi obveznost, da s svojimi pravnimi strokovnjaki in strokovnjaki z urejanega področja ubesedi zakonodajne akte EU na primerno visoki ravni. Na primeru Izvedbene uredbe komisije (EU) št. 923/2012 z dne 26. septembra 2012 o določitvi skupnih pravil zračnega prometa in operativnih določb v zvezi z navigacijskimi službami in postopki zračnega prometa poskušam pokazati pasti in stranpoti slabo opravljenega dela. Tako se polotim posameznih izrazov v omenjeni uredbi, ki so po mojem mnenju ubesedeni slabo do te mere, da predstavljajo nepotrebno omejitev v nasprotju z osnovnim namenom ideje pripraviti strokoven in ustrezen prevod dokumenta. Da je omenjena uredba pomanjkljiva zaradi neustreznosti prevodov in uporabljenega izrazoslovja ni zgolj moje mnenje, saj je prišlo pred časom do popravka omenjene uredbe, zato se v nadaljevanju naloge dotaknem tudi popravka. Primerjam, kako se popravek dotika delov prvotne uredbe, ki jih vzorčno prikazujem kot primere slabih prevodov in uporabljenih izrazov. Tudi popravek je, kot kaže, zgrešil merjeni cilj, da izboljša razumljivost in odpravi napake, saj na nekaterih mestih mogoče celo poslabša razumevanje in jasnost obravnavane tematike. Izbrana uredba, na katero je osredotočena naloga, je pomembna zato, ker je obsežna in obdeluje pomembno in obsežno področje letalstva (SERA Del A), po drugi strani pa je v pripravi sorodna in podobno obsežna uredba (SERA Del B), kjer se lahko na osnovi zaznanega, in upajmo, da tudi naučenega, izognemo podobni neustreznosti.


uredba;popravek;prevod;letalstvo;navigacijske službe zračnega prometa;kontrola zračnega prometa;primerjava razumljivosti;letalsko izrazoslovje;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [Ž. Majhenič]
UDC: 347.82.034(043.3)
COBISS: 5557291 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1160
Downloads: 73
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: With the accession to the EU, Slovenia has adopted the EU legislature and with it the ability to co-mold of European legislation, and thus the right to originary acquire legislative acts in our native language, previously only available at the level of international treaties via translations and interpretations. That, however, has cast upon the country a responsibility to articulate European legislative acts with the engagement of its legal experts and experts from the field concerned, at appropriately proficient level. With the example of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 923/2012 of 26 September 2012 laying down the common rules of the air and operational provisions regarding services and procedures in air navigation, I attempted to point out the pits and downfalls of poorly executed work. Therefore, I processed individual examples in the mentioned Regulation, which are, in my view, articulated poorly to the point of presenting unnecessary limitations, contrary to the baseline intention of certain articles to prepare competent translation of the document. Deficiency of the mentioned Regulation due to inadequate translations and terminology used was not observed solely by me, as it was amended by means of Corrigendum to Regulation. Next I have therefore processed the Corrigendum by comparing it to the individual examples of the original Regulation earlier rendered as inadequate translations and terminology used. It appears that Corrigendum has missed the goals to enhance clarity and correct errors as well as it may have even lowered the clarity of the matter concerned. The focal Regulation exhibits its importance due to its volume and gravity of the matter as it regulates in the field of aviation (SERA Part A), and furthermore, there is an equally comprehensive and related Regulative (SERA Part B) in the legislative pipeline. Based on inadequacies observed and, hopefully, lessons learned, similar inadequacy could be avoided in the future.
Secondary keywords: Regulation;Corrigendum;translation;aviation Air Navigation Services;Air Traffic Control;comparison;clarity;aviation terminology;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 52 f.
ID: 10915555